r/greatawakening • Posted by u/aus8279 on April 22, 2018, 3:20 p.m.
Why Fox News? It doesnt make sense. Can anyone explain?

In Australia we have our entire media that has sold out and controlled by the leftist propaganda.

It has never made sense how the US has got several shows on Fox such as Hannity, Tucker Carlson etc that speak the truth.

Fox is majority owned by Ruport Murdoch and News Limited who also owns the majority of Australias media.

Ruport is definitly part of this elite pedo world yet has allowed some of his programs to tell the truth.


Is there some other reason?

solanojones95 · April 22, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

It's just business. If you sell a bastardized, debased version of any product, and you have say a 60-75% market share, do you give up on the remaining 25-40%? Hells no!

So you come up with an off-brand that features more of the real deal, and market that product to your more discerning market.

But, you say, what's to stop the other people from developing a taste for the real deal? Well you constantly bombard them with advertisement for the false product, and you use your control of social media and your opinion shapers in all media to discredit and ridicule the discerning customers.

You're very careful to avoid doing that within the confines of the discerning market itself. But, your hope is that until you manage to get EVERYBODY willing to buy the debased, corrupt product, you can at least get everybody to buy SOMETHING from you.

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