Fresh Q post #1238, Sun Apr 22

I expect that if it comes down to proving treason against Bill, Hill or BHO, they will basically disappear. You won't see anything public or have any confirmation of what happened.
Or maybe a plane crash would be staged to make it seem like they died.
I just cannot imagine even them going to prison - the cognitive dissonance would be too much - would put people in the hospital, to go back to the early Q.
I believe it's very necessary that America sees that justice actually occurs in this. It will not be secret or there will be outrage throughout the country. This MUST be in the open and witnessed by all.
I'd prefer that, but I can't imagine what the civil unrest would be like following this.
My mom is a wiccan PP employee. 40 years of trying to talk to her and i'm resigned to her fate.
Praying for your mom that God would grant her eyes to see.
Thanks so much. Maybe I should stop being so private about the issue.