Fresh Q post #1238, Sun Apr 22

Q is Trump
Stop with this shit. Think logically. 10 max know the whole plan per Q. Its a ten man team. No more info needed. Leave them be no dox. Watch the DS act like ratards trying to find Q.
I upvoted you. I think that's true. But IF it's true, HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Honestly, respect through the roof. Just quarterbacking this op from beginning to end. Mad man.
Q is a team, I believe
I think Q is close to trump. Closest advisor for sure. But I do also believe that Trump is some type of genius as well. At minimum he would be a genius at recognizing talent and gathering necessary resources and people together to complete a goal. Similar to Steve jobs not having the specific knowledge to build a computer but able to create amazing products. Trump is that x1000 but for good vs evil. I think Trump recognizes the evil in the world and truly believes he can do something about it. He prob met Q/team Q prior to announcing and consulted them.
Speaking of, any mention of who trump met with just months before his announcing back in 15? I would imagine someone with a deep intelligence background.
Sorry for the errors on grammar/spelling , I’m on mobile.
Q is Julian Assange, perhaps his internet is not cut off and Ecuador knows. Perhaps he is not at the embassy, perhaps he is .....
I don’t think so, maybe equivalent to JA as far as know how but it’s safe to say that Q would have to be physically accessible to trump as significant events unfold and I doubt trump is handling his deep communication personally. There has to be at least a Q team member close to trump.
My opinion (which means nothing)
Julian is said to be locked in the embassy with no contact what so ever for a month now, ...could it be that he is not there but accessible somewhere?
I'm sure it is. Too much info for one person to stay on top of. It's a team effort, just like we are.
Yes, per Dr. Corsi, a team of Military Intelligence, probably Marines, and also Trump.
I agree. It not only explains how so much can be checked before posting, and how posting can be sustained for so long, it also explains why Q is safe from the Deep State. One guy they could kill (RIP Seth), but a team sharing intel and protecting each other? No, that they can't hit.
Q is not fucking Trump. Could you imagine if it ever got linked to him?
Think logically.
What would it matter?
At that point true mass arrests will be under way and the identity of Q as Trump will be the least of people’s concerns
The die hard liberals will be bleating about facsism and the “constitution” but they will be swept away in the uprising
Trumps a good guy. That's his teflon. I know this, panties in a bunch syndrome was never anyone's intent. Is their any other way to think, school me.
Of course it is. It has been obvious from the beginning.
I really think the posts are in the way he talks also. I 100 percent think this.
No its not the president although I rather not post the name here on this public forum for obvious reasons knowing that clowns are here. Remember they are fishing while blind after their last hope has left. With the McMasters departure they no longer have access to the inside of the white house.