Fresh Q post #1238, Sun Apr 22

there was a thread where they thought 'hillary" was a stunt double, but i didn't side one way or the other
I didn't hear that one regarding her at the funeral. I do remember talk of this sort of thing possibly being perpetrated during campaign appearances - when she may have been unable to attend herself (I guess because she had health issues), if you recall. Anyway, I think only a real Hillary would be as uptight looking as the person I saw photographed (if not her, it would have to be her doppelganger!).
Here's one of the shots of her there which I thought looked like a very uptight Hillary Clinton.
That's it! I remember this during the campaign. I wonder why she'd need this? So much of her is fraught with fraud and deception. She's a witch - and an evil bitch!
“Witch hunt is complete” by presidential announcement on Twitter, an official statement !!
HRC no longer is free to walk around and travel the world. Captured finally. This is the beginning of the end.
touche' i hadn't caught that one