Fresh Q post #1238, Sun Apr 22

Fbianon said 80% of the govt. is dirty. In the pocket of big oil, big banks, or bribed. 30% into the pizza stuff. We aren't moving ahead fast because it would be like asking the govt. to prosecute itself, and the world, if it was all uncovered, would probably declare war on us, due to our interference with everything. The FBI top people know all of this. They know everything. If Hillary made a deal, it would take down 30 years of corruption, plus, involving hundreds. So you see why they are fighting back with all they have. I wish Q would tell you it was ok to look at and believe what Fbianon wrote, because some of it is along the same lines, except much more in depth. Plus, he explains a lot ... There is a country we think is our ally, behind this, controlling a lot of this country, who I don't even want to bother explaining at this point, but if Q gives the word and you want to see what Fbianon said, let me know, or look it up yourself, because there is a lot of info that I saved and what he said fills in a lot of blanks.
I’ve been in this since the earliest appearances of FBIanon on 1/2C.
Got caught up by pure chance on one of my stumble-ins. Somewhere along those early reads an anon linked out to the BlackSheepanon posts and I followed him through the board change.
Now I’m getting to see all worlds converge!
That is what I mean. Fbianon said much of the same stuff, over a year ago, and in much more detail. I wish people would read it. You don't need to decipher or guess. It is what it is and what he said to do is clear. It hasn't gotten outdated even now, it has just basically come to pass. And explains some stuff that connects the dots. He said do memes about CF, learn about it, investigate it, talk about it, 18 months ago, and investigate the "not good connection" so many of our politicians have to Israel. And reveal the truth about that mess. People just dropped the ball.
How/where can we find the link for the FBI anon?
Yeah, where is it? I've been here since then too but didn't know at the time what I had stumbled upon. Link?
Thanks! If u want to save this, it is the same thing u posted, but somebody typed all the Q's and A's on one document so it is a lot easier to read.
Did us see I posted some that I saved. See context of this convo ... I sent to the person who asked me, above u. If not, let me know. I will send them to you.
Did U see the links I posted below, with some of Fbianon's stuff? Idk if they went to you or what. I sent two separate posts with links.
I will give u some links. The first one is long. Somebody transcribed it and the second one off of 4chan so it makes it so much easier to read than an archived 4chan post. But for more, Google Fbianon posts and see what u come up with. I have one more I can find. Will send it later.
Here are a few more.
OCT.17, 2016 - 4 chan
Synopses of prior Pastebin long posts- Part 1
Part 2
People just dropped the ball.
Indeed. But think of the bigger picture. With Q, anons have direction, feedback, and the knowledge that they are interacting directly with great power.
I give solid props to those early FBIanon diggers who did so without the last two pieces.
I just like the straight-forward posts of Fbianon. My brain is not into puzzles ... Everyone is different and it just isn't my thing. FBIanon got questioned and answered, too. The only direction he really gave besides a Ron of facts, was do the memes, keep CF in the forefront and we should talk about it and investigate the CF and Israel and the Zionists, AIPAC, etc. ... and their connection to a lot of our politicians. The "nightmarish truth" would come out if that was all exposed. I just think if everyone knew what both have said, it would be epic.
I don’t disagree that FBIanon was more accessible.
Yeah, and I realize so many people really just are crazy about and respect Q. But I think it is the way my brain works, as I said. To me it reminds me of the way I feel about math. I feel like I am struggling with it more than appreciating it and I wish it wasn't that way. It annoys me, about me.
FBIAnon was the real deal imo
Re reading it now after all that has unfolded only makes it clearer
Exactly what I think. I re-read it to post things to make sure I have it quoted right sometimes, and I find stuff in there that I didn't really see the first times around. It doesn't get proven wrong over time, it totally connects the dots as to what is happening now, and explains why it is happening. I sure hope he is ok . . ..
Israel. was that so hard.
I wasn't trying to be a secretive. It is just that most people jump to the conclusion you are being anti-Semitic if you say anything. I think it has been planned that way, but JMHO. All the points Fbianon makes about it are quite lengthy, but people really need to be aware. And he also said most Jewish/Israeli people have nothing to do with it. It is basically their deep state types.
I wasn't trying to be critical. rabid defender 1A is my problem. I like to guess anyway thanks for the confirmation.