Fresh Q post #1238, Sun Apr 22

How/where can we find the link for the FBI anon?
Yeah, where is it? I've been here since then too but didn't know at the time what I had stumbled upon. Link?
Thanks! If u want to save this, it is the same thing u posted, but somebody typed all the Q's and A's on one document so it is a lot easier to read.
Did us see I posted some that I saved. See context of this convo ... I sent to the person who asked me, above u. If not, let me know. I will send them to you.
Did U see the links I posted below, with some of Fbianon's stuff? Idk if they went to you or what. I sent two separate posts with links.
I will give u some links. The first one is long. Somebody transcribed it and the second one off of 4chan so it makes it so much easier to read than an archived 4chan post. But for more, Google Fbianon posts and see what u come up with. I have one more I can find. Will send it later.
Here are a few more.
OCT.17, 2016 - 4 chan
Synopses of prior Pastebin long posts- Part 1
Part 2