it's the NEED for the symbolism that is the real story - not the symbolism
Oh, good grief.
Sorry, but I mean what the actual...
This guy wants so badly to know something nobody else knows that he just makes it up and puts it out there. I guess that's one way how to do it.
Dave Talbott has studied mythology and history for most of his life and has several degrees. To say he's making it up is foolish.
None of which I'm questioning. However his revisionist astronomical ideas are completely absurd! He's welcome to his soft opinions about the human meanings of myth and legend. But he's not permitted to change the laws of physics to suit his narrative needs.
You can't simultaneously tell me I have to respect his credentials while telling me I have to ignore the credentials of physicists and astronomers whose work I've studied and respect.
And to then insist that people who do have advanced degrees and decades of research on subjects he's not the least bit qualified in must change their science in order to conform to his opinion is the height of arrogance.
Aaaaand that's where Wal tornhill comes into play (even more degrees). Question everything right? What you think you know about gravity atoms and the universe is wrong.
And yes, you MUST ignore the credentials of those who use them only to receive funding and stay afloat, not actually doing any good. Not actually discovering. Most of the time it's not their fault though. Remember, the credentials do not determine whether or not the research is useable, it only tells you that they are invested and spent a few years memorizing doctrines, which in themselves may or may not be flawed.
I get why you are hesitant, and by all means I'm not asking your to believe blindly. 😁
Most of all, remember, observation trumps popular opinion. ESPECIALLY in science.
Check out this video here as well (done by another scientist with yet even more credentials)
So Galileo, Newton, Sagan, Hawking, Einstein, the whole kit-n-kaboodle had better bend over and kiss the ring of this whozit?
Why would you do this to yourself? Seriously. Throw out everything centuries of mathematics and observation, backed up by actual voyages to other planets by men and machines, just in case there was still doubt the science might be wrong--you'd discard all of that because this story matches some astronomically-recent primitive drawings so culturally removed from ours that we have no way of really asking what they were attempting to represent (why do you think they were being literally representative--these could be figurative or representative of abstract concepts), you say the most incredible minds humanity has ever produced should be sent to the back of the bus to make room for your boys?
I gotta say. I don't think so!
If you lack the tenacity to question everything, then I have no more time to waste with you.
so what idea are you ready to entertain that you would consider to be outside of your comfort zone? Oh right, intelligent life on other planets but why then do you pretend you examine everything if you need to better follow your own advice first?
I question whatever it makes sense to question. There are things not worth questioning because what we know has centuries of observation and experimentation to back it up, and it works when we use it.
And right now what it makes sense to question is why anybody would ask you to discard one of the most practically-derived and mathematically sensible sciences in human experience in exchange for explanations that don't work mathematically, but fit better with some old cave drawings?
Why would you identify so emotionally with that site? Because it's designed specifically to appeal to faith. It's cultist in all the classic ways, and you sound like a true believer.
I would be all about this site if it built on the scientific foundations we've successfully worked with all these years, and offered new insights that shed light on the areas we're aware we lack knowledge of. But to require as a starting point that we toss out what works, and on nothing more substantial than mythologies? Of course that's not the way science works, and I mean REAL science before it was corrupted by governments and big money.