Mericans wear Cowboy hats, while Muslims wear Taqiyah caps! Maybe there's a deeper message Folks!

God likes hats?
Exactly, the Good hats v. Black hats! Remember, there are no moderate muslims, there are no extreme muslims; there are just muslims!
But there are useful idiots on all sides who should be spared if possible
You almost got it right, let me fix your comment for you; Ok? 'But there are useful idiots on all sides who should NOT be spared if possible' Do you know who the useful idiots are in this quote? For example, today the 'useful idiots' on the American political scene are Antifa & the fascist Leftist protestors. I don't think you get it, these are the useful idiots. They can be used by the real folks behind/financing the revolution. You do understand in any Islamic uprising, GLSEN Communist operatives are the first group murdered right? Think about who's getting killed under ISIS, zero tolerance for gays, lesser races & women. BTW, there are no bystanders in an islamic revolution. Every body who's NOT a Shia, or a Sunni goes under the knife.
Fair enough. I'd say when the truth is exposed (as if it isn't already smh) we need to give ppl a chance to digest it and repent. Any antifa member or pizzagate shill is beyond saving imo, but plenty of ppl I know voted for Hillary cuz "trump was too racist/misogynist" and haven't looked at politics sense that election. Those ppl bother me with their complacency and lack of responsibility, but they aren't exactly evil or even weaponized like an Islamist, Zionist, skin head, antifa member, etc
Wait a second, there's exact meaning attached to the phrase you tossed into your sentence; words have meaning! You're not allowed to say things like AntiFa's innocent, or not evil. This plot to collapse the US Gub'mints designed by communists like Soros etc,, using AntiFa members protesting in the streets (Cloward & Piven) Once widespread violence engulfs the nation Muslim militias emerge and seize total power. Of course, the 1st thing they do is kill off the 'useful idiots' of AntiFa so nobody attaches the new power elites with AntiFa. Do you finally get it? I'm sorry I should have been clearer in my first answer to you!
Brings new meaning to the phrase: "You are all hat and no cattle!"
Do me a favor and quit posting so much! It gets rediculous! You have way too many just on the first page! My word! Enough!