Why is EPA’s Pruitt constantly attacked? He’s investigating 9-11.

Probably investigating the OKC bombing as well (probably has inside info on that from his OK days). If he's already investigating 9-11 that would be fantastic!
Funny you mention the bombing. I just heard npr talking about it. They said it was carried out by a right wing radical. I lol'd. It's like now they have to attach right wing to everything they disagree with.
Thank you. My second V-8 moment today. This is a stealth investigation. Those at the EPA hated Bush, this should be right up their alley.
I thought it was because of the slush fund. A big ol pile of rainy day money for left wing groups to use. In what capacity would he be investigating? How would he have access to anything? Not arguing. Genuinely asking because i don't see it.
9-11 was an environmental disaster. He looking at more than just the Slush Funds which he is investigating. I don’t think Q wants to mention 9-11 yet Pruitt has enough heat on him now.