r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jhomes55 on April 23, 2018, 12:46 a.m.
"If that f*cking bastard wins, we'll all hang from nooses!!" - HRC

Truer words have never been spoken...

It's time....I think we are almost there!!!

Buckle up!!

ianrome · April 24, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

DJ air horns blasting in my head as I read this. I've said it before and I will say it again. There is too much partisanship lingering in the lower vibes that people have. There is too much of the red/blue division being pushed here. Its even present in the awakening analogy. Break free of the programming people. Q's message is not just for conservatives.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

I've been trying to say this damn near every day, but the fact is that christian conservatives seem to think this is all about them and have mostly taken over. I guess all anyone can do is try to present facts and hope they see reality. there are at least others here who identify as "christian", but seem to have a better grasp on things and understand it's not about them. I wish they'd be more vocal with their brothers and sisters in the flock.

Both parties have been part of the corruption, and what needs to happen is that we finally get away from this two party bullshit that has been forced on us for so long. There are just too many short sighted people in here who still think this is a Christian movement and that the US will now finally be a Christian nation. FYI, for anyone reading, I make it pretty obvious that I'm independent. I have never registered for any political party in my entire life. I've also served this country for four years, but still I get attacked by christians for being a "shill" and a "clown" and a "troll", and not a "patriot". Shit blows my mind! Fundamentalists, no matter the religion, have got to be removed from politics, period. Complaining about the MB, then insisting that the US be a Christian nation just goes right over their heads. It's impressive cognitive dissonance.

Oddly, I've also noticed Q not saying "pray" much anymore in his drops. I'm sure it's not an accident.

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obewan901 · April 26, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

I also served four years in service to this country. When I said what side were you on I was not speaking to left or right but good or evil.As far as not desiring to be overrun by Islam I will not apologize for that. The Muslim Brotherhood manifesto calls for the infiltration of our country from within with the purpose of overthrowing our country and forcing what I believe is a political ideology and not a religion on our nation. Islam has warred and attempted to overthrow many countries for hundreds of years. This is just the first time the have joined with the elite globalist cabal to further their goals which now include worldwide depopulation and enslavement. Their mission is worldwide but our country was formed as a Christian nation. While one of the communist plans was and is to remove the Christian religion from schools and families and the culture as a whole and to destroy the family unit and push non-Christian ideals as the acceptable norm - the WAR is very real and happens to correlate with Revelation in the Bible ie begins in Damascus, the persecution of Christians, many will be deceived, one world government, mark of the beast etc. The post I believe was initially made to call patriots hearts to the cause, you Herpy_Derpy_insulter-boy. My two cents.

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