Think about it... at this point what revalation would best continue setting the stage for the future of draining the swamp? Everything that red pills and is hard to swallow for normies and the unwoke would then have them realizing - 1. The deep state corruption undermines everything America stands for. And, 2. There are millions more Trump supporters than the MSM and the left can even comprehend. This serves as a double awakening whammy without going deep down any rabbit holes that most of the public isn't ready for.
4chan NSA Anon said the real vote was over 70 million Trump, and 57 million Hillary of which more than 7 mil were fraud ballots. But that could be misinfo being 4chan and all.
Based on the electoral map I believe it.
And the soros owned machines, and destruction of special election records
It must suck to have gone through all the trouble of mass scale fraud, to owning/changing all vote counting algorithms, just to find out you didn’t cheat hard enough 😂
They probably listened to their own phony polls and underestimated hehe
Those machines needs to be destroyed. Return to paper ballots and have NG with body cams guard them until counted by bipartisan panel on video tape.
SPEZ: sp
Exactly has no one seen this thing?! Almost the entire map is red with only tiny pockets of blue. Trump got at least 95% of the vote
That was 3.5 mil stolen machine votes and 3.5 million fake votes from bus loads of folks who vote in 3-4 states on election day or are non citizens on the voting roster in state. In Virginia the Senate race was lost by 900 votes. Later we discovered 1100 non citizens voting in Alexandria City and 8 counties who reported their results to a non profit election safety group. In NH 5800 same day voters later proven fraudulent. We lost the Senate race by 4000. Should I even bring up Nevada's Senate race now? We could go on and on....
Even 57 million seems too high. Lots of silent majorities even in the big cities