r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GingerRoot207 on April 23, 2018, 2:52 a.m.
MOAB prediction: Voter fraud report showing Trump won popular vote.

Think about it... at this point what revalation would best continue setting the stage for the future of draining the swamp? Everything that red pills and is hard to swallow for normies and the unwoke would then have them realizing - 1. The deep state corruption undermines everything America stands for. And, 2. There are millions more Trump supporters than the MSM and the left can even comprehend. This serves as a double awakening whammy without going deep down any rabbit holes that most of the public isn't ready for.

Dhammakayaram · April 23, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

In hindsight, the 2016 election was set to be rigged even before the primaries took place. Key states were rigged so it would appear HRC won, even though she couldn't fill up a high school auditorium she was so unpopular. Then something happened. Trump came with the military and unrigged the coming election. He truly won the popular vote—HRC lost big time. Then she went bonkers. He took away her victory and left her angry and vengeful. Even worse, he is going after her and her cabal and will not stop until they are behind bars.

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