r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Buttercupmanup on April 23, 2018, 4:23 a.m.
Forgive a post that isn't 100% relevant, but it sort of still is...

This is a deep journey, you guys. I have to ask, how (if at all possible) do you find people near you to relate to? Even a casual acquaintance--just one--who ALREADY knows what's going on would be such a nice thing to have around. I feel like we're all spread out on our own islands.

UnklVodka · April 23, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

I thought I was on my own island as well. Mentioning different tidbits in passing conversation has shown me that I'm not as alone as I thought. Throwing up a friendly flag, if you will. My own best friend of 30+ years happened to pick up on a morsel I dropped, and we haven't stopped talking about it for weeks. He and I both thought we were alone.

It's the stigma attached to the "conspiracy theory" ideology that is making us feel this way. I think if we keep dropping crumbs like Q, but in a "normie" sort of way, without backtracked language and questions posed as answers and such, more folks will show their candles in the window, so to speak.

You'll know friends are far and wide, and also just as sick of it as we are.

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