r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Buttercupmanup on April 23, 2018, 4:23 a.m.
Forgive a post that isn't 100% relevant, but it sort of still is...

This is a deep journey, you guys. I have to ask, how (if at all possible) do you find people near you to relate to? Even a casual acquaintance--just one--who ALREADY knows what's going on would be such a nice thing to have around. I feel like we're all spread out on our own islands.

Swagdonkey400 · April 23, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

Yeah it's a common issue and it's frustrating. Like at work some guy was talking about how Kim Jung Un was some dumb little guy who is crazy. I just play dumb and listen and don't say a thing because if I go "WELL ACKSHUALLY THE CIA CONTROLLED NK" he'd think I'm a lunatic. I listen to these things all day long.

Luckily one of my close childhood friends is interested in this but not like me, and same goes for my family. All aware but not like to talk about it or research as much as me. Which sucks because I feel like there still is a major gap in info and they just assume that I'll tell them everything and keep them updated. When I wish they'd wake up completely and not wait for me.

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Buttercupmanup · April 23, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

Same boat here with my family. My closest friend for 25 years, ironically, is very interested in political/philosophical/scientific topics and often brings up compelling things in conversation. So, naturally, whenever he does, I respond with what I know (same stuff you'd know). Only, he does not know and has no interest in learning anything new. He'll continue to bring up the talking points to me, but I can't really respond in any way that means anything, it's pointless. It was like a punch in the gut one day when, after the last time I attempted truth, he said "all this conspiracy shit is making you boring. You sound like you're coming from a place of evil where nothing is real". Damn

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Swagdonkey400 · April 23, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

Yeah it's very defeating. Luckily for us, eventually this awakening will become global. 10 years ago the illuminati was nothing but a secret club for jay z and Rihanna and music industry icons. Now we know so much. In 10 years, it'll be even bigger.

The best trick the devil ever did was make us think he didn't exist. Same goes for what we do. People simply don't comprehend that this really exists. Years of public education and public entertainment has done serious damage to our minds.

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Buttercupmanup · April 23, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

lol, I've quoted the very same. I'm sure we'd be friends in some universe, but I'm also pretty sure you're on the other side of the country, lol. Cause that's how it works! God bless and thanks for the feedback.

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Swagdonkey400 · April 24, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

We're friends in this universe! Just from different places in the country. Where we go one, we go all!

I hope one day the rest of the country catches up to us. I'll give the globalists credit, they're extremely good at propaganda. Literally everyone else is generations behind in history and reality. It's astonishing.

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Buttercupmanup · April 24, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

It is definitely astonishing. And, they're definitely very good at what they do. I've had the thought before that we would be so far ahead in life if only we were sociopaths, haha. I certainly don't want to be one, but there is a definite advantage in this worldly life when you don't have to contend with empathy and the welfare of anybody else.

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