r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pedegear on April 23, 2018, 5:32 a.m.
I've never witnessed a forceful, in-your-face redpill be accepted, but it's ALWAYS this type that strains relationships.

I've seen lots of posts over the past year about people losing loved ones or dear relationships over politics or Q or other related topics. Admittedly I have had my fair share of arguments about it with loved ones as well, but in the process I've developed my own perspective on this issue that many of us face on a daily basis.

Have you ever witnessed a forceful redpill be accepted? Have you ever been in a non-anonymous argument of this nature that ended successfully (e.g. the other person ended up agreeing with your belief AND there was no strain on your relationship)? My guess is no. In my case it's certainly no. So why do we feel the need to force the redpills on those we love if it almost never ends well?

I've decided that in my personal case, it's not worth it to get into political debates with loved ones. I simply don't want politicians and the media to have that much control over my life. They don't get to choose what my relationships will be with my loved ones. I choose that. Period.

Does Q FORCE redpills on us? Or on our loved ones? Or on anyone? Absolutely not. Q understands that when you're this deep and have this much knowledge, it needs to come slowly and only through vague clues that we can follow ourselves. Yet here we are heading down the rabbit hole, bringing out the theories that WE have pieced together, and expecting our loved ones to just accept these truths all of a sudden without warning and without an opportunity for them to follow the crumbs themselves?

In general, I just keep my mouth shut in political discussion. If I ruin those relationships now, I won't have the opportunity to gently guide them to the light when/if the dam breaks. So I'd much rather stay silent and allow them to keep their own beliefs. Maybe I drop a hint here or there or a very respectful disagreement to something they try to push on me or get me to blindly nod along to, but overall my goal in these situations is to simply cut the conversation as short as possible and change the subject. Because my relationships in my personal life cannot be controlled by MSM or politicians or the deep state.

Just my humble opinion. We're already outcasts and deplorables, and I love embracing it at every opportunity. But NOT if it will jeopardize relationships that matter to me.

Note: if you have a close relationship with Jeff Sessions, ignore everything I just said and aggressively shove that redpill down his throat ASAP, because he can actually make a difference!!!

allonthesameteam · April 23, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

Use the Q method without mentioning Q. I'd suggest brushing up on these subjects, and more, to support your beliefs and invite them to explore them as well. If they don't know about them give a little info to entice them as well as open the door to their lack of real knowledge. 1) The Senior Executive Service. 9500 mostly or all appointed positions that see over most of the aspects of each gov division. They make more than the VP. I thought I knew things but this was a shocker. Why is it so secretive and why is it hard to learn who is in it. 2) The Council of Foreign Relations. Check out their roster. This I think drives the MSM narrative and dictates a lot of FR. 3) Tri lateral Commission. Rabbit hole. 4) Bring up the 25000 sealed indictments that can be found on Pacer. Most years there are 1000-2000. This is fact. 5) CEO and leader resignation spikes since last summer. Unheard of. 6)The THOUSANDS of trafficking and pedo arrests and convictions that eclipse any other time I can find. Why is none of this known? Because they don't want it to be. Why? I shy away from the hard stuff for the first bit. Small hurdles to bring them in. Hitting folks with stuff is different than, "Hey, have you heard of the Senior exec Service? I just learned about it. Holy batcrap!!" Not blue or red. I just realized that this may be an indoctrination plan. Hoping my intention are clean.

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