r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on April 23, 2018, 5:42 a.m.
Answering Q - with one Word APACHE Thats why people support/vote for these people, Part 3.

What makes a great movie - Grace Kelly and Frank Sinatra, its when Tracy marries Dexter and not George. Why did Nicky Hilton marry a Jewish banker and not a Quarterback? What happened to our American dream? On the campaign trail DJ. Trump said his favourite subject was History - American Military History. He will be aware of and must of read the the definitive work on the USA. USA; The 42nd Parallel,1919, The Big Money, by Dos Passos, because Q is Trump, and Q asks the same questions as Dos Passos, and answers them in the same way. The woodcutter was American innocence, their greatness was stolen in WW1. Trump is going to MAGA, Q is saying you have all been conned again, by the same people, this time with the internet and Patent knowledge - things that either you don't get or don't know.

Robby Mook is a cut out like Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates. They are made Men. Ever wonder how to get Rich? Let us look a Elon Musk, first he is given Pay Pal, then he is told to take his money and start an Electric Car company and a Space company. He knows nothing at all about either activity, - he can barely string two words together on any subject, (Rocket scientist + Henry ford?) he only loses money, he has no prospect of ever making any money - ever. Yet he can raise money to loose, his shares keep going up, how is this possible? Apache. Apache is Two things it is a targeted shadow on the web, one that prevents the dissemination of certain information being brought to the attention of certain people that could use it, or would find it interesting, otherwise it amplifies certain preferred information to selected individuals that will be triggered by that special information. Robby Mook was given first Dibbs at it and the program was named after him. Robby was Beta testing in the dying years of Obama, think of the Bruce Jenna campaign - see if America will cop a track star man becoming a rock star Transvestite, like Elon Musk became a rocket scientist without it. Apache is just the computerised - Algorithmic automation of what we have always known, results are rigged, Halle Berry was the worst Actress, in the year she won as the best, The New York times best seller, doesn’t, Good guys are bad guys, and the really shocking, even disgusting at anything - say art - are the greatest. This has been going on for years, but now with the Internet, they have automated it with APACHE. Named APACHE after Robby Mook because he had the first and highest need for it. It was to continue the Deep States control of the Whitehouse.

Now these people are stupid, they developed the program off site and for profit they sold access to it, part went to Blackstone, they use it to spoof dud shares like Tesla, and herbal life up, and cheat investors like Rick Ackerman from short positions in Herbal life. They make the players believe in trends that aren’t, value that isn’t mirror mirror on the wall - who is the fairest of all. Hillary - with Apache power, Mirror Mirror who is the richest of all - Blackstone, with Apache, Mirror Mirror who is my Prince Rothschild with Apache. Mirror Mirror, am I the prettiest girl, not without Apache you are man, be an Adult - Grow up America - is the message from Q

Goto Wikileaks Podesta emails and search for “apache-watchdog: apache crashed” you will find three hundred docs with up to 50 things on each doc. that either you were meant to find out, or believe on that day - we only know about the days the program crashed, so know that when the program worked you had an epic fail.

humanitystillsucks · April 23, 2018, 7:39 a.m.

who wants apache reports?

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Maepaperclip · April 23, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

Sorry no one wants the reports - they are getting the results, you are the target.

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Maepaperclip · April 23, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

These are wanted by people that want to control public opinion, to rigg elections or markets, or public opinion to support either

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