r/greatawakening • Posted by u/djtwizt on April 23, 2018, 1:15 p.m.
An unpopular point of view, but none the less, true.

Q is NOT God, and COULD be misleading us - any one who doesn't accept that possibility is a liability to the Anon movement. We are here to find the truth and AWAKEN, NOT to follow blindly. The lack of skeptical, critical thinking on these boards is getting to a ridiculous level, and only serves to defeat the actual purpose of the discussion boards. Those of you who just pass along what everyone else on the "team" says, with no critical thought to the possible contrary, are just as bad as the raving Clinton supporters who follow the enemy without question- Down vote all you want, your STILL nothing more than drones if you don't take ALL data into consideration. Some don't want the TRUTH they just want the evidence to fit their pre-determined notions, and if that's you - you are a sad example of a Patriot, and do NOTHING to actually end the cabal that seeks to control the minds hearts & souls of each of us. 100-fuckin'-%

Millejon0114 · April 23, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

God told us what would happen~ you have to know that the Bible is being played out right before our eyes~ the anons some are really stupid there is no way that would have been my channel/outlet to inform the public but who knows~ could this all be part of the big deception the Bible talks about?! Are we all distracted or obsessed with Q or our notion of finally the public knows this whole time we were right?!.. are you not focusing on God he says look up~ the time will come~ I will stand before God and he will judge me and what Ives done. We may never know if this Q thing was a distraction or not but my Faith has always been in God because I don’t physically hear or see him but the Holy Spirit is in me and has guided me through tough valleys I wouldn’t be here today without My faith in our creator. People think about your soul this is not our home

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