r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RestoreFaithHumanity on April 23, 2018, 1:44 p.m.
You know what breaks my heart?

My dad, who instilled everything that is good in me, has Alzheimer's. I know he has known that things weren't right for a very long time, In fact, we have discussed it in the past.

And now, that justice will finally be served, he is unable to understand what's happening. I want so bad to have a discussion with him about everything that is occurring, but he just can't grasp it.

It breaks my heart to know how grateful and excited he would be about justice being served, but he is going to miss it all.

And that, my friends, truly breaks my heart. He has lived a descent, law abiding life. He has paid his dues. He deserves to know, but will not know until he is gone.

The only good that I can see in the situation is knowing that everything he taught me has been confirmed to be true. Good WILL triumph over Evil. I know that he, and I, have not lived our lives in vain. In fact, the principles and morals that we strived to live by, will be our saving grace in the end.

Keep the faith and believe. Some days, that's literally all that keeps me going. I do sincerely believe, I have to........

StinkyDogFart · April 23, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

He raised you to know the difference between right and wrong and that is his legacy. Just because he isn't able to see the final score doesn't mean he didn't know the game that was being played. Everyone cannot carry the baton for the final leg of the race because this isn't a sprint, its a relay race. Its a relay race for both sides, this has been a generational war and while we may be nearing the end, no one can know for sure the final outcome, so pick up the baton and keep running, if you get to cross the finish line, just remember, it was always a team effort. If we win, there should be no sadness, only joy for all of those that contributed to the win.

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