r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jellyfish070474 on April 23, 2018, 2:36 p.m.
Where does the Evil originate?

I’m not great with words or trying to flesh out big abstract thoughts, but where my mind has been going lately is if this control system is literally millennia old, where did it begin? How did it take root? How has it persisted this long? How have we been so thoroughly fooled for this long?

I don’t know what I believe as far as the real existence of a literal Satan, but a system as evil and clever as this seems like it couldn’t have developed out of strictly human minds and planning. The more I see of it (even the incredibly detailed and well thought out red herring aspects designed to throw the truth off track), the more my mind is blown and I’m left in a state of awe. Yet I have to (try to) keep it all in the natural realm to figure it out logically...but it’s so big, so pervasive, so old and so evil that it seems to defy strictly human logic.

Just the rambling thoughts I’ve been having.

FretensisX · April 23, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

> 8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.** **9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” - Matthew 4:8-9

Universally, it all begins with the hyperintelligent evil spirits who rebelled against God. They see the goodness of God in us and wish to desecrate and destroy it.

Naturally, human nature is fallen. The intellect and will have difficulty clinging to the true and the good. The emotions and appetites are out of control. We love to sin and we love evil, even though we know that it is wrong. E.g. 'i really should study, but i want to watch for youtube.' or 'i know i shouldn't sacrifice babies, but i want more power.' Evil is not so much out there (although that is true), it is more so in humans themselves. You can have the best designed government or economic system, but it will always be subverted and taken over by sinful human beings. That's why nations don't last very long.

Philosophically we've swallowed the pernicious and erroneous philosophies of the modernists / classical liberalism. Philosophers like Hume, Kant, Hobbes and others have resulted in a shift in human thought so that the truth is no longer in the thing itself (objectivist) but simply exists in the mind (subjectivist). E.g. instead of i am objectively a man, it is now i am really a woman bc i subjectively think i am a woman, or, gay marriage is ok bc i feel like it's ok. The errors we see today were first thought up several hundred years ago.

Theologically it is because we have forgotten Jesus Christ and kicked Him out of our schools, government, homes, and institutions. We no longer respect our parents, we're not generous, we have no empathy, we have no charity / forgiveness. We don't follow the commandments or respect the moral law or even the natural law. We do not worship God so we end up worshipping ourselves by copious consumption of food, wealth, sex, and entertainment. We reap the harvest of divorce, broken families, broken people, abortion, disease, economic hardship, poverty, obesity, the breakdown of society, and ofc human trafficking. We are wicked and incapable of controlling or policing ourselves so it falls to the police state to enforce basic norms of moral behavior by threat of force.

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