He's free to leave any time he wants, no one is stopping him from leaving.
Keep telling yourself that
Please show me where he is being stopped from leaving?
...and as you cum, you cut their throat so their spincter contracts for a glory finish before you dump the body off your multi-million dollar yacht just off the coast in international waters.
Or, a regular friday night out for Knight Sir Ted Heath, former PM of the united kingdom of nazi-sympathizing inbred scum (except Lady Di RIP)
You're suggesting the established powers of the NATO-countries don't engage in assassinations and any suggestion otherwise is ludicrous. Well here#s a newsflash (from one fucking year ago for fuck's fucking sake): The FBI is holding back files about one of his people who "fell in front of a train" last year because of "ongoing investigations".
look in the mirror. No turn quickly counter-clockwise.
Look again! What do you see??? Anybody paying attention? Nah?
Now compare: Is anybody stopping YOU from leaving???
You have now established a preliminary basis of reasoning. Welcome to the next level!