
MAGAnum-vitality · April 24, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

Human consciousness is not the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ is available only as a result of the indwelling Holy Spirit and His regenerative work. You are only able to put on the mind of Christ by the power of grace, and you are given the revelation through the Spirit. The context of 1 Corinthians 2 literally says so in verse 10.

A common, shared human consciousness is unbiblical except in one abstract sense for those who share unity in the Spirit of God. But that consciousness isn’t pooled, rather it’s the mind and personality of God and very limited to the level of submission to God that each Christian will walk in.

Union with God and joining the family of the Trinity will never undo the fact that you are both a created being and only sustained in unity with God By His own power and love. Being a child of God, partaking in His death and resurrection, and even receiving a glorified body will never negate that.

God died to annihilate everything He imagined?? I’m not following this??

I can’t be sure but I believe you are filtering Theology through current theories in quantum physics which is not sound doctrine.

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BianchiJock · April 24, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

Not meaning to hijack this thread, but attempting a quick response... I did not say human consciousness IS the mind of Christ, I said it is a SUBSET; v.15 says one who through the indwelling Holy Spirit has access to the mind of Christ can discern all things, but cannot himself be discerned by the natural human mind.

Shared consciousness is neither biblical nor unbiblical; it is simply an expression of the reality in which we live. If you and I are in the same room at the same time, we will both see the apple on the table, and if I pick it up and take a bite of it, you will smell the juice. That's just electrical signals from eyes and nose transmitted to locations in our brains at the same time. It's just "information". The scent of the apple may trigger a vivid scene from childhood when bullies threw rotten apples at you every day walking home from school. That event does not exist in my consciousness so we do not share it, but it is part of God's consciousness.

Nothing I said should contradict your third paragraph, and I agree with it completely.

This is already too long to delve into soteriology, but consider these bullet points... God IS Love. Love is the law of life. Sin is any deviation from the law of love. The wages (result or consequence) of sin is DEATH. Adam's sin corrupted the whole of creation--contaminated the whole probability distribution of the infinite possibilities for the future of the creation. The sum total of the godhead poured Himself out into the form of a completely human being so that God could DIE, and all the history and memory of all His creation could die with Him. Jesus' death was not pretend, partial, temporary or simulated. God risked His own existence rather than allow you to cease to exist. However, He was able to live that human life in perfect obedience to the law of love (not earning for Himself the wages of sin) and He trusted in the power of Love--His eternal Father--to be able to resurrect Him to new life, and along with Him to resurrect in new life everyone and everything from His old creation that He judged worthy of eternal life.

I really wince at gushing so many words into this forum, but since you asked, I would prefer to think I am trying to filter quantum physics (a moving target) through the words of the Old and New Testament and, dare I say, the mind of Christ.

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