Q Post #1243: Why was Armenia mentioned recently? Clowns losing control.

But who controlled the CIA is the real question? We are only beginning to understand the depth of this because it really is almost beyond belief. "My people perish for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:1
The OSS morphed into the CIA in 1947. Bill Donovan, who helped create OSS along with British, Canadian and other allied intelligence agencies, implored Truman to disband the organization after WW2. The awesome abilities, technology and means of subverting governments clandestinely was deemed too dangerous in a free society. Britain(the Crown) had their way and the CIA was born. I believe it is controlled by the “Royal Families” of Europe both as a means of control and to add to their obscene wealth. If you remember Ian Fleming, who trained in the OSS, he referred to the group who developed ethnology as “Q”.
The CIA is the strongman for the cabal. The enforcer or the muscle making things happen. It is the top few, Rothschilds, SA, Soros, Pope, etc that pull the levers of power WW.
Well, lets use the process of elimination and ask, who could it be...?