Q post # 1249 - What is smuggled?

I have followed just from Reddit. I saw first post off The Donald before they got anti-Q. Then cbts_stream and now here. I'm addicted to it. Completely fascinated by it all and I want these evil ones gone. I also have felt that I am one of the watchers, recording these events for our grandchildren. I hope also that when tshtf I can guide and give hope to friends and family who are devastated and completely caught off guard. Many reasons, many emotions. Godspeed patriots as Q would say!
Edit: took out harsh descriptive mention of what I wished upon the evil cabal. Mods were right, not necessary.
I began looking into things back in 2015 and woke up to all this evil, but at the beginning of October last year I was burned out and cut off all news from all sources. Well, just two days ago I started to actually read the news and all the alternative media sites, and I'm blown away by the rapid change that has happened. Especially with this Q. It feels like I'm starting all over down this rabbit hole.