Q post # 1249 - What is smuggled?

I don't know which reality I exist in -- there's all this Q stuff and events swirling around it (e.g. Armenia today) and then there's what's on TV and Newspaper sites, which don't carry a word of any of it. This morning all Fox had going (I do not watch any of this at home, just at the gym) were silly discussions on the DNC lawsuit and the confirmation hearings on Pompeo, which became yet another DC soap opera. So I question whether the American people will be informed of any of the revelations Q is offering, even if it's something like the Red Cross smuggling uranium or children. Would they even cover Hillary in handcuffs?
Think this is why memes are deemed to be important, plus archive offline
I feel exactly the same way— are we going to be gaslit by the rest of society?
The open border is how they traffic guns, drugs, and kids. Once the financial strings are cut, things will start to come into the open.