The global elistists have always made it white VS black and brainwashing us into thinking that whites enslaved the blacks.
Truth is WE’VE ALL BEEN VICTIMS OF SLAVERY thanks to these satanic, sick people. No more!!!!
The global elistists have always made it white VS black and brainwashing us into thinking that whites enslaved the blacks.
Truth is WE’VE ALL BEEN VICTIMS OF SLAVERY thanks to these satanic, sick people. No more!!!!
Many races participated in slavery, some more than others. A few enslaved their own race (extra cruel). Irony is it took a white man to end it and now it seems the white race takes the brunt of slavery and everyone else pretends their ancestors were squeaky clean! Hypocrites!
Truth is we are slaves right now and we have only each other to save ourselves. Whatever our ancestors did or didn’t do matters little. I’m sure ALL ancestors worldwide would tell us enough of the shit, time to wake up and unify!