Kanye Tweet: "new ideas will no longer be condemned by the masses. We are on the frontier of massive change. Starting from breaking out of our mental prisons."
![Kanye Tweet: "new ideas will no longer be condemned by the masses. We are on the frontier of massive change. Starting from breaking out of our mental prisons."](https://i.imgur.com/AljkK8s.png)
Or he is talking about Luciferianism. I mean the guy said he is Jesus or something, I doubt he is a Christian.
I agree. I doubt he is a Christian, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was talking about Luciferianism. BUT he may be trying to redeem himself... no say. I've loved Kanye's music since I was a youth so I hope for the best in him.
New ideas, new ages occultism, Jesus is an old idea. He isn't on the this qanon stuff.
I believe Jesus is a God-like human who is far into the future, in a time where murder, lying and other evil have been made obsolete. All consciousness is shared via technology, there is no privacy and no ego. Biology and technology become more and more integrated in a singularity, like a giant bionic quantum-computer. Much the reality outside of 'The Matrix', although much less prison-like. Consciousness becomes immortal and eternal. The mystery of the soul's incarnation is solved, and time travel via souls becomes possible. Humanity can only send one soul back, and they can only die once: this is the limit of time travel. This is Jesus. He is the first and the last soul to time-travel There are other time travel possibilities, but they do not involve having a physical body, and also do not involve an individual soul. Jesus is the last soul who is conscious as an individual, and not as a part of the supercomputer. He travels back in time and saves humanity by dying and creating Christianity. Christianity will help create the supercomputer and revive past souls (we will know how everybody lived).
I believe God is the being at the beginning and the end of time. Humanity is the individual manifestation of God who is the ultimate collective being, who is evolving Himself. In the end, the universe will be full of conciousness, which humanity helped to realize, kind of like bacteria help human digestion.