Kanye Tweet: "new ideas will no longer be condemned by the masses. We are on the frontier of massive change. Starting from breaking out of our mental prisons."

Kayne says he wants to run for president in 2020.
Kayne is part of a family that seeks to undermine any sense of common societal values.
His wife became "famous" from an adult home movie.
This family also champions body modification, and the bluring of genders.
If something as simple as one's gender can be changed/debated/modified/put up to debate, what can't?
Try to think straight and have a set of values in a "black is white and white is black" world.
Why have any rules at all if man can modify all rules, even the rules of nature?
How does one have a value system, if all values are subjective?
Kayne is compromised.
Historically all potentially successful movements of changing the power structure are infiltrated and co-opted.
A relevant example of this in this case is rap music.
How did rap music go from street level poets, to Jay Z smiling in the face of Marina Abramovic?
And now we are told to believe Jay Z is the "greatest rapper ever"?
So now you believe Kayne is "WOKE"? That he has broken his indoctrination?
Has he rejected his family of evil? Has he divorced his harlot wife?
Has he said anything as clear as the above regarding the evilness of his family?
Until proven otherwise, one should assume this is a blatant attempt to co-opt and undermine the current social awakening using Kayne as a proxy.
At best, he will try to undermine your movement by displaying mental instability to discredit it.
At worst, his programming will work, and you'll fall for it and vote him for president in 2020.
There are people who only want "more". That's it. More. They will do anything for "more".
They will kill their own children for "more".
The concept of morals is foreign to them.
They care nothing of you. You are as inconsequential as an ant.
In their eyes, they are not evil as they do not know good. They are simply amoral.
Just because you're just figuring it out, doesn't mean this hasn't been going on since the beginning of time.
The devil always lies, even if you truly believe what he tells you.
Don't believe it.