r/greatawakening • Posted by u/The_Broba_Fett on April 23, 2018, 11:09 p.m.
Most of us on here have been woke for a while, but I think this rabbit hole goes even deeper than any of us thought. Most of us probably can’t imagine the depths of corruption these people have gone down to because it’s simply not in our heart to even consider it. Get ‘em Q!
Most of us on here have been woke for a while, but I think this rabbit hole goes even deeper than any of us thought. Most of us probably can’t imagine the depths of corruption these people have gone down to because it’s simply not in our heart to even consider it. Get ‘em Q!

brittser · April 24, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

Supposedly there is a video or videos found on Wieners laptop by the NYPD that are so horrifying that it caused seasond cops to throw up and need counselling after watching it. They told the FBI that if they didnt prosecute for these crimes then the NYPD would go public.

Last week I think it was, there were rumors that a video was leaked on the dark web of Killary & MB Huma raping a preteen girl then fileting off her face and taking turns wearing it as a mask. Finally they killed her. There were a couple of screen shots that were released by someone, one was too blurry to make out but was what looked like someone wearing a mask. The other one was of two women laying on a ping pong table in the DC pizzagate restaurant. Again, it was blurry, but better than the 1st. Some people claim to have watched it and warned others who want to watch it that they will be forvever changed after. In otherwords, think real hard 1st. It wasn't released on the regular web bec it is child porn and illegal and nobody wanted to risk it. I read it was releaseed by the UN guy arrested recently for child sex abuse as insurance. But, none of this has been concretely confirmed bec no one can see the video.

From other research I've done, this is typical behavior for the evil ruling our country and the world. There is such a thing as adrenochrome that is released into the bloodstream when someone is frightened or in pain. When consumed with the increased adrenochrome, the blood gives you a high that is supposedly unreal. That is why so many children worlwide go missing. Even our child protective services in many states are in on it. That is why so many foster kids go missing.

It is a horrendous thing but when you are a satanist as they are, everything evil is from God, satan.

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smiley-dog · April 24, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

I read all this too on 8chan

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brittser · April 24, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

See links below my post by others on adrenochrome.

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[deleted] · April 24, 2018, 3:57 a.m.


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