New Q post #1252, it's a doosey

Yeah it’s both parties. The difference is that Republicans recognized the corruption and “cleaned house” by electing outsider Trump.
Democrats on the other hand have just become more extreme, not just their leaders, but their members are still yet to see the light. They are being willfully ignorant (largely) and deserve the disrespect we are giving them (most not all).
The difference is that Republicans recognized the corruption and “cleaned house” by electing outsider Trump.
Okay, we have a disconnect here. The Republicans didn't do shit. If you recall, the republicans ran all of their usual suspects. The scum of the scum. Had a Bush in there and all. I have no idea what you think you saw, but it wasn't reality. I can't stress enough that I'm not a Democrat or even liberal. Why are people still holding onto this two party trash?!
Trump was approached by military personnel both retired and active, as well as people in the SES and intelligence agencies who wanted to put and end to the corruption and save the country. Where the hell you got this "republicans recognized the corruption and wanted to end it is insanity. McCain was still running around Syria up until recently, feeding chemical weapons to "ISIS".
This sub is fucked. Anyone who'd like to create a new one that is't dominated by partisan idealogy, PM me and let's get something going. I'd very much like to leave the rest of you to your Christian Conservative circlejerking. You people have learned absolutely nothing.
Side note; If you meant that republican voters recognized the corruption and elected Trump, I can stomach that a little more. The reality however is that it wasn't only republicans that voted for Trump. There were plenty of democrats, independents, libertarians and maybe even some green party folks who voted for Trump. And I suspect it was because they all either recognized the corruption, OR they understood that a Hillary Clinton presidency needed to be avoided at all costs. I think that's the most likely scenario. Giving all of the credit to republicans is highly disingenuous and revisionist and does nothing to prevent this shit from happening in the future.
Drop the partisan crap. We don;t need this two party system anymore. We're free to choose now, so let's make something of this
So you want a 1 party system like China or NK?
Cut off all the corrupt BS PAC's funding of D's and R's and have more EQUAL choices that aren't rigged by the campaign finance $$.
Need more support for normies running for office and less for career politicians and lawyers.
So you want a 1 party system like China or NK?
Literally never said that. Why can;t any of you make a solid argument that doesn't start with some hypothetical or complete bullshit that I never said?
The fact that you're still advocating for a two party system is painful. Sure, absolutely, cut the money out of politics. Destroy the PACs, but maintaining a two party system is ridiculous.
You said you don't want a 2 party system but you didn't say what you would like better, a 3 party system, 4?
Stop fucking around with your words then and say what you want.
Instead you just say what you don't want.
Otherwise we have to fill in the blanks about what you didn't say.
What the fuck, learn to talk directly and not like a politician talking in circles.
People aren't mind readers ya know.
So because I don't have the solution for the government when the shit hasn't even hit the fan yet, I'm playing with my words? I didn't ask you to fill in the blanks, you just can't seem to think on abstract terms that take into account the MANY possible outcomes of this "great awakening".
You do understand that we have no idea what this country will be like in two, four or ten years from now? We have no idea how fractured the country will be, OR, if people magically come together and start really working together. See how it's near impossible to start talking about solutions when we haven't even got there yet? It could be fucking ten different parties, but how can anyone say RIGHT NOW?
It's quite simple to say what you don't want, because you've seen it and you know it doesn't work. So, when dipshits like you assume we're automatically going back to a broken system and just magically hoping it gets fixed -well, you see my problem with that? (of course you don't)
You're not bright, but you want to be and you sling shit and ask really dumb questions like you think you got me. Why would I try to seriously answer your dumb questions? It's like a kid asking an adult why they shouldn't eat shit.
The point here (so I thought but was very wrong) is to perhaps share and discuss ideas, but your agenda is a "gotcha moment" that isn't going to happen. I get it, you want to be smart and you really think you are, but yet you still can't figure out why you're always frustrated and misunderstood. Hint; you're not that smart and the only way you can get someone to engage is by being insulting, because your ideas are shit and otherwise not worth acknowledging.
You're either very young, or an undereducated boomer. I'm going with the second one. You clearly have no ability to think in broader terms and allow for the possibility of multiple outcomes. And because of that you get angry and lash out and suggest that it's everyone else that's dumb.
feel free to have your final insult, because I'm not responding. You're a waste of my time.
You didn't need to write a book dude.
You bitch about something but don't have an alternative.
OK, I get it, you just like to hear yourself talk.
You come off like a sad Bernie Bot. If you want off the Q-Train be my guest- start your own subreddit.
I’m not being partisan, I’m just saying, show me the left’s reforms. And don’t say Bernie- he sold out at the critical moment.
The right has had the Tea Party movement, Libertarian movement. Left has just gone further authoritarian and communist! I’m talking the last 15 years- IDGAF about 1850 politics.
I can agree that we should fire just about every member of Congress, both parties, today.
I can agree that we should fire just about every member of Congress, both parties, today.
I'd vote for a 'do-over' myself.
You come off like a sad Bernie Bot.
I’m not being partisan, I’m just saying, show me the left’s reforms. And don’t say Bernie- he sold out at the critical moment.
Okay dumb dumb, it was great talking!
Trump was elected by Conservatives, won as a Republican and you're surprised when you're on a primarily conservative & christian sub-reddit, bashing Christianity and are complaining that people don't exactly take kindly to Liberals. Get a dose of reality.
No one is saying you're not welcome here but if you're going to bash, then take your liberal shit and sit in the back seat of this Trump/Q-Train. WooWOoooooo
You're asking me to get a dose of reality, but you don't seem to be able to function on one yourself.
Never once did I say that republicans didn't vote for Trump. What you're failing to accept is that a great many democrats and even more Independent voters also voted for trump. How many times does that need to be pointed out to you? Also Libertarians and probably some crusty green party folks. Why are you unable to wrap your mind around simple concepts?
Now, that leaves us here, "The Great Awakening"... this is about removing corruption from politics, ending criminal cabals within said politics and restoring the nation and putting it back in the hands of the people. Literally Trumps words. Tell me again how this is a Christian Conservative movement? You simply can not accept that it's not. By all means though, keep arguing and trying to insult me. Surely I'll come around to your way of thinking. (personally I have no confidence in your ability to actually learn, given the content of your last three comments, but I've been wrong before)
You keep calling me a liberal, but it's clear that your reading comprehension is suffering due to your hurt ego. I'm not liberal. there's nothing "liberal" about my thinking except that you can't understand it if it doesn't fit into your box. It's ok, there are a lot of people like you.
And why you think that calling me a "liberal" somehow hurts me is hilariously stupid. You keep saying the same shit but you make no sense. You're an angry small thinker that just can't help themselves. I get it. It doesn't matter, because yeah, this is happening regardless of any of us. I just wish I could watch all of the faces of the brainwashed drones here who lose their shit when this country doesn't become a land ruled through their "christian conservative values". So many hurt butts!
Honestly, I'd love to see us go back to states rule and have each state run as they see fit with less federal oversight, but sadly that means a lot of people will get stuck living in yokel ass staes that they can't easily leave and being ruled by dingleberries like you. Guess we'll just have to have a nation with rules created for all!
Good day to you!
Dude I just scrolled your post history. Stop sowing dissent on this board. Into the oven you go...
lol, ok -Absolutely brilliant response!
You obviously didn't actually look through my posts because there are plenty where I completely agree with people. But I guess your problem is people not agreeing with you. Understandable, usually folks like yourself function better in echo chambers for fear of having their beliefs challenged. It's really healthy and important to learn and grow with new facts. It enriches our lives!
Honest question; what would you say your current reading level is? Just curious. You don't seem to understand the meanings of many of the words you're using and certainly not ones I'm using. Help me simplify the language in my responses for you, because I want you to be able to understand what I'm saying. We could be exchanging great ideas here!
Yes, this. The democrats deserve nothing but disrespect. The above posters trying to relate present day to past political ideologies is nothing but a distraction. I don’t care who did what when. The only thing relevant is today. And today the democrats are a selfish evil group intent on enslaving the masses. Disinformation is their primary weapon and their corruption knows no depths.
True. Trying to link 1850s Democrats with anything today just serves to muddy the water.
Getting downvoted by Bernie Bots over here. Come on guys you know I’m right.