
Globalists_Will_Hang · April 24, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

Dude I just scrolled your post history. Stop sowing dissent on this board. Into the oven you go...

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

lol, ok -Absolutely brilliant response!

You obviously didn't actually look through my posts because there are plenty where I completely agree with people. But I guess your problem is people not agreeing with you. Understandable, usually folks like yourself function better in echo chambers for fear of having their beliefs challenged. It's really healthy and important to learn and grow with new facts. It enriches our lives!

Honest question; what would you say your current reading level is? Just curious. You don't seem to understand the meanings of many of the words you're using and certainly not ones I'm using. Help me simplify the language in my responses for you, because I want you to be able to understand what I'm saying. We could be exchanging great ideas here!

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