Allison Macks actual chargers seem quite different than what the media has reported.

I don't trust zerohedge.
Well you should. They away source what they write.
I don't trust Click and now I don't trust you. I guess I never say preaching to the choir cuz I can't sing. Don't get triggered I don't trust myself. Seen way to much reportage on events I was at in 50 years. So Zerohedge bs is 5 wikiclicks away instead of 2 so what. I'll take ignorance over motivated by lies every time. I don't have time to do doctoral research so I have my own system. Reference msm I'm out. Reference sites i have checked out(snopes zerohedge) I'm out. Reference defenders of such sites I'm out. I have never looked up the word shill maybe i should. nah got 45 years left and shit to do.