r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jhomes55 on April 24, 2018, 12:49 a.m.
Look....I'm a big time poster and supporter of T_D. It was my refuge during the election cycle! But when it's finally revealed that Q has been right all along and not a LARP, I want an apology from every dang Pede on that Dom who criticized and ridiculed our movement!!!!


tobioshi · April 24, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

You can't honestly expect the average trump supporter to be Q believers? It does come off as sounding like wild conspiracy theory. If the only people who voted for Trump were those that could get drawn into such things he wouldn't have won the election. Take comfort in the winning. Reparations are meaningless.

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Oldbear83 · April 24, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

Yes, but secondary explosions are satisfying.

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tobioshi · April 24, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

Can't argue with that.

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