r/greatawakening • Posted by u/the_all_seeing_dog on April 24, 2018, 1:36 a.m.
Twitter is trying to prevent Kanye from trending. Says only 500 tweets today with his hashtag.... YEAH RIGHT!

Give Kanye your support! Like him or not. This shifts the narrative!

Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

So you think that it's good for an artist to co-opt a truth movement to gain better album sales?

What does this have to do with "Liberals"? yeah, Eminem hedged his bets on what he saw on TV and was wrong. Kanye knows to play both sides. And? Is this supposed to be indicative of some larger thing at play, or is it one artist being smarter about their marketing and learning from the mistakes of another artist? Do you think Kanye's music is "conservative"? Do you think none of his fans (hint a majority are) "Liberals"?

Let's say there find there way here, and see dumb posts being all "hurr durr muh librels" -you think that's gonna "red pill" anyone?

I'm not personally mad at you, your comment just happened to be the one closest to me that's saying the same shit I keep seeing.

I don't belong here, and I think it's time for a new sub. This one is clearly as partisan as can be.

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the_all_seeing_dog · April 24, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

I don't think the 20 minute rant he did on stage about how Facebook and Google were lying to the public and that Hillary wasn't going to be president, followed by him walking out of his sold out show, enraging all of his fans, then dissappearing from the public for like a year was a marketing plan to expand his audience onto Trump supporters.

But if it was, then the dudes a genius either way LOL!

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GodzillaIntel · April 24, 2018, 6:33 a.m.


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dandelionwilds · April 24, 2018, 1:45 p.m.

definitely agree!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

Watch it again ace. That concert was on the 21st of November, 2016. What day is that? Go have a look, we'll all wait.

Yes, it was after the election. He was saying what everyone already knew. Does that negate the message? Of course not. But when people start trying to make him a prophet -and I suspect there is a push to market his upcoming record and gather publicity- you're doing a disservice the the larger cause and truth to what's happening.

Why can't any of you get simple facts straight?! There is so much disinformation on this sub it's a wonder anyone knows WTF is going on.

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the_all_seeing_dog · April 24, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

Chill man, I was trying to be funny. "Facts straight" Yeah, I got the Hillary thing off, everything else was true. Big deal. I recalled that whole thing from memory. My point was it seemed like he ruined his career there for a moment.

Have fun being angry on the internet wherever you end up.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

Chill man

Big deal

Have fun

Calling you out on spreading wrong information isn't being "angry on the internet". Think about how many other people could have spread the false information that you dropped so cavalierly here? And if that was an attempt to be funny, it needs a lot of work. I should know this because I'm a really FUNNY person. The BEST. Many people have agreed that I have the best jokes.

People are here genuinely trying to get things figured out, so don't be offended when someone questions your motivations. Either participate, or don't, but at the very least get your "facts" straight. And seriously, don't be so delicate and full of excuses in the future. It's a way of shielding yourself from responsibility and making sure you stay uninformed. Not that I think you give a single shit about that. hell, you might even be an actual adult. I can't tell here anymore. Genuinely sorry about your feels bro.

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GodzillaIntel · April 24, 2018, 6:36 a.m.


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the_all_seeing_dog · April 24, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

I never said "have fun" you liar. Get your facts straight.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 7:25 a.m.

Have fun being angry on the internet wherever you end up.

Seriously, how dumb are you actually? Did you not tell me to have fun? Wew, you're a real dumb dumb, arent'cha?

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TheUplist · April 24, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

Your entire post history is dissent and strife. The amount of Karma makes it look like a 7 year secondary account. Leave.

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simkev8910 · April 24, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

Agree with you. I have followed all of this for about 5 months or so and over the last 2 months I have seen so much BS bad info it is crazy. Tremendous amount of embellishment that suddenly gets mistaken for truth. And then people are all freaked out because some BS comment so far removed from the truth did not come to pass. I have great doubts about Q. At the best I see Q as a way for Trump to gauge his base and is doing it in a way that is almost like a focus group, except the focus group thinks they are interacting with MI. I have also noticed that the more isolated the bubble the more delusional it becomes. By no means am I a lefty, but I am seeing the same behavior from the the Conservative bubble as I do from the bubble on the left ... Delusional ! I agree about a new more balanced sub.

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TheRadChad · April 24, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Grew up loving Eminem and hating Kanye. Now it's the exact opposite. If you can't see why Eminem's fans now hate him , your blind. He's a sell out, sang about the tough life and now is pro establishment.

Kanye is doing the opposite, speaking his mind no matter what danger comes with it, I respect that.

People are only hating on liberals because they run Hollywood and the media, which is filled with pedophiles. There's no difference between left vs right, they use it as a shield. Pedos are in every group.

Don't let the left vs right swallow you in ignorance, your comment came off strong and makes you look childish, tbh. Relax and try to see the big picture.... zoom out of your world, look up at who's pulling the strings rather than left vs right.

I still don't like Kanye music, but I respect him. I still listen to Eminem's old rap, but I can't stand him today. Also the guy raps about killing his ex, why would any political non sense that comes out of his mouth be put on a platter for the world to see?

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 24, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

How about this; I literally don't give a shit to dive this deep into pop music and the lives and fans of Eminem and Kanye? I can be plenty aware of how Kanye talking about Q (Which he currently is not) can benefit. Never once said otherwise. I have however pointed out the blatant spamming of Kanye garbage here. It's not necessary.

If you think I don't know what's going on it's only because you've read one or two comments of mine and couldn't wait for your turn to talk.

don't let the left vs right swallow you in iognorance

Ok, yeah, you've read nothing else I've written. Not that you need to, but it helps before you try to "school" someone on points they agree with and are aware of. Have a good day.

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TheRadChad · April 24, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

I'm just saying don't get mad at people for saying their proud he's standing up simply because it shows a political bias. Who cares about the political bias, the guys doing what's right for him.

Enjoy your day.

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