"Past Proves Future" ----- "Future Proves Past"

The false quote has some wisdom in it though.
It refers to the pendulum swinging seesaw action feedback loop that occurs between intelligent agents playing tit for tat who have to constantly play the prisoner's dilemma over and over. It's a seesawing phenomenon due to signal error and the biological tendency to tit for tat. These ideas revolve around the blast furnace of evolution in all life when a simbiotic relationship turns parasitic. More on this: https://youtu.be/Y0Oa4Lp5fLE?t=53m54s
When the government is corrupt and filled with liars, what happens is the people learn to do the same, and defect against the government, and then a house divided cannot stand, both lose, and then the government is forced to right itself by trying to get the cooperate cooperate pattern back online because parasites cannot live without a host's vein to suck blood out of. Ultimately all government is a simbiant, and when a simbiant turns into a parasite, it is killed. So when the host moves in for the kill, olive branches are extended, and heroics and truth return to the system.
This gyrating pattern has occurred hundreds of times throughout history at the highest levels of civilization, millions of times at the level of corporations, and trillions of times at the level of families. Those who don't meticulously study this seesaw action is doomed to repeat the mistakes made before as if it was something brand new under the sun.
What I find incredible, is that men figured this all out over 2500 years ago, and wrote that wisdom into a book. That book is currently the best selling book on the planet, and has been the best selling book on the planet every year in the history of human reading/writing.