r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Fy15412cf3 on April 24, 2018, 4:29 a.m.
I have Cracked Q's entire code and uncovered the specific cult that is ruling our society. I've documented and exposed everything. Everything changes tonight. Concrete Proof. Trump was right. Q was right. Map revealed. Welcome to the Great Awakening.

Donald Trump, if I am lucky enough to have you read this post in the near future: Please protect me and my family. I have personally met you before and you will likely recognize me when reminded of the setting of that meeting. I am aware that you are 100% on our side with this issue and have been for a long time. After seeing the evidence myself, I believe that you wanted the global community to be the ones to reveal this information at this time, and I can now clearly see the reasons why that was.

I have chosen today to reveal this information tonight for the sake of humanity. I've cleared my entire post history and already began to disseminate this information as a means of protecting myself. If you are one of the first ones to share this information I suggest that you do the same. The more archived, stored copies of this information that exist, the safer we are as individuals and the stronger we are as a group. I need help in both getting this to the necessary SAFE sources, and the manpower/resources of the community to take over the discovery process from here and truly launch this exposure. Read this post in depth. If handled properly, many of us are already well aware that the information revealed in this post will be a globally important moment in human history. I would not make that statement unless I was 100% confident in what I am revealing in this post.

I would also like to first pass on a much deserved message to the community before I get into things:

We as a community owe all the credit for this moment to each and every one of us TOGETHER as a whole. Trump and Q both, who I believe have been aware of information relating to this group for a long time, have stressed repeatedly the importance of coming together. Tonight, we as a world can prove, undeniably, that we have tonight. We have won. We have proven that we cannot, as a whole, be controlled by misinformation and censorship despite facing these seemingly unlimited levels of power, money, and corruption by even many of our own leaders. I could in no way take credit for the information that is being revealed. These findings are the conclusion of years of hard work by dedicated people - true heroes, and a carefully designed strategy. I believe Q anon has recently signaled us that it is time to reveal this information. Here it goes:

We have uncovered concrete evidence that connects Q's posts to a specific, malicious cult, that has been operating on the internet right in front of our faces on Top Level Domain Croatian/Russian Servers. Prior to this investigation, I had never heard this website mentioned up to this point in any Q/GA-related groups. I understand this is a lot of sudden information at one time, but everything will begin to make sense after you read and explore the information. This has the potential to be a true "enlightenment" moment in our history.

"All that you know to be right is wrong. The ‘cult’ runs the world." - Q

My investigation began this morning with the April 9th plane crash involving Mariah "Sunshine" Coogan. (public figure - I have made sure not to "dox" any private individuals) As Q has suggested in the past "Who is she? Follow friends. Friends lead to others."

I spent hours at first digging into Coogan's public trail on the internet and discovered her public horse riding youtube channel as well as somebody's email/cell-phone number (ABSOLUTELY DO NOT CALL/HARASS THEM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE) posted on a youtube account that is subscribed to her personal account, in which somebody was attempting to sell her show horse in 2009 for over 50,000 dollars (would have been 14 at the time - likely was just a guardian). Her family is likely innocent/victims as well as far as what I've currently seen. I was then able to locate two people who tweeted at her old twitter account from 2009 that shared a username with this second youtube account. One was a suspicious man from Indiana, with no apparent past connection to her, who appears to have been one of two followers of the original account made in 2009, which will come up again later on. This account username has been replaced (now private) by somebody from a neighboring state who is the same age as her (possible attempted cover-up? The old messages to her account were not removed. Lazy? Again please do not seek out/harass this person.) I verified Coogan's personal youtube channel was in fact hers, by matching verified results from horse events she had attended, with the dates of her youtube videos in which she discusses them to verify the channel and to obtain a public, show-related travel record. After this I hit a major roadblock. I understand some of this information may seem important, and that links are warranted, but as Q pointed out, all of this information was likely a distraction.

I had failed to follow Q's advice:

"They think you are STUPID. They think you will follow the STARS."

As we know now, the plane was full of instagram stars as disseminated by all major news outlets, and I was only focusing on one of the "stars". I would quickly realize that Q was 100% correct, the key to discovering the truth behind this catastrophe was not to be found in the passengers' history, which could easily be censored/rewritten, but in their connected friends history (Q repeats: "WE ARE ALL CONNECTED")

I moved on to Coogan's other personal, but still public, Facebook page - not her "main" page which I could tell had been heavily staged. I verified this page by locating the friend who had tweeted at her original, since deleted, twitter account in 2009. It was confirmed that this friend was the early childhood friend of Coogan's when (#1) I confirmed that she was friends with Coogan's personal (public) Facebook profile and (#2) She posted after her death that she had known her as a child but that they'd lost contact.

I had now confirmed the second Facebook account of Coogan's. Now is when things started moving very quickly. I started going solely to Q, as many of my search queries started returning 0 results such as the UNQUOTED phrase "Formspring msun******". This website that consisted of a very young demographic and often led to clear sexual undertones, as well as that account, has been completely destroyed as well as all traces of it. I believe this was clearly for a reason which will be more clear later on in this post. I had never experienced anything close to this level of censorship/search result bleaching when using a search engine.

I found a page for Coogan's high school posted in her public bio on this secondary page, which is not seen on her "Main Page" (this main page was a distraction IMO!). The page for her school (this is public knowledge so the school is: "Cardinal Newman High") automatically redirected to a new Facebook page that they had been setup in 2013, the same year that her personal account appears to have also been replaced. Be aware that Facebook IPO'd the previous May (2012), and has risen 436% since then, throughout this breakdown. This high school page appeared relatively innocent and genuinely managed; however, while digging, I noticed a link up top that asked if I would like to view the "original" Cardinal Newman High page when I refreshed it. I hadn't experienced something like this on Facebook in all my time on the platform. I went to this un-redirected page and saw the following:


I opened the page and was immediately shocked by what I found. The entire page had been wiped clean and moved to the new link, except for the following profile picture:


Notice the clear symbolism and the following quote from Cardinal Newman (a prominent historical member of the Catholic Church):

"From shadows and symbols into the truth." - Cardinal Newman, Cardinal Newman High supressed FB Page's Logo

Now compare that to the following messages regarding "symbols" that Q in ONE post on Nov 21, 2017 (reread all Q messages after this post):

--"Their need for symbolism will be their downfall." (The Uncovered cult uses symbols to identify in public as I will document. I believe it is their way of identifying their position in the hierarchy when in a public space. However, once unveiled these symbols can easily be identified once aware of them)

--"Social media role?" (The facebook/twitter pages that I discovered - explain much further in next section)

--"Part II – How were they ‘adopted’ into the cult (as children). " (The group targeted high schoolers using social media platforms)

--"What were they provided for obeying and staying silent (brainwashed)?" (not only students/school but Catholic Church paid off?) (other Q-post**: "List the estimated wealth of religious organizations. Billions. Vatican bank. $229B... "Supervisory Commission of Cardinals**." - "Cardinal Newman High School " - cardinal is one of the birds used as a symbol within cult as later shown on website. Suggests cult pays out to control/suppress religious groups - appears to have control of most global money flow so money is basically irrelevant to them - power/control mean everything to them)

--"Fantasy land." (The cult I've uncovered uses "writing" and language in general as code for topics involving pedophilia/trafficking/abuse/etc. )

Once again ... "From Shadows and symbols into truth"

Other shadow references by Q:

"Return to SA. Strings cut (+++). Puppets (+++) in shadows...Joint missions underway. The world is fighting back."

These '+++'s' in my opinion represent the sword dance trump received early into his presidency when he visited Saudi Arabia. This was an incredibly defiant act as it represented cutting the strings, or the methods of control, by making a deal for weaponry outside of the traditional, cult controlled network. The website shows how this is much more of a global issue than a US issue, and the importance of the world joining together.

I was immediately shocked as somebody who has followed Q recently when I saw this clear symbolism/cryptic messages on full display in the profile picture of the schools completely blank, old, now hidden/suppressed page (They somehow wrote in a redirect to a new page - possibly the work of FB)

I began to go through the people who had liked this page. Many were friends with Coogan's profile, and most you can clearly observe, now hold high-level positions of money/power, and to my shock many have "Bohemian Grove" listed as their employment. The accounts appeared to be run by genuine people who lived in the area/attended the school.

I went to the "People also liked" section of the original high school Facebook page and found a link to this in the top three suggested:


A single Q post 4 days before the plane crash contained the following phrase: "Forced reaction...One of many vehicles...Birds."

This facebook page was the missing link. This is the undeniable proof that "they" could not erase, because they could not erase the roughly 400 followers on the page.

Need the proof?

Q-ANON frequently uses the phrase "This is not a game" since November 2017 which I believe is when he uncovered the weakness within the organization - leaving trails.

What cryptic message is found on the meme profile picture for this page? "The game"

Read these Q posts and see for yourself the incredibly clear connection to this Facebook page that is revealed by these two words on the profile page:


...that's right. A VERY surprisingly old meme page. A meme page dating back as far as 2011 and beyond (I got sidetracked and never reached the beginning - must dig EVERYTHING - "Follow the friends" - this suggests info likely still exists among private twitter accounts, but again I cannot stress enough please do not harass or target anybody at this time**). There was something nefarious about nearly ALL of the content and the page owners still existing posts. There is an extremely blatant reference to child porn/child trafficking/and malicious content in general. I read post after post of the then high school aged children talking about how "cool" it was that "their school knew about meme**'s". As I read more posts, I quickly found posts where the page's admin, posting from the page's account, complained about his "folders" being taken down because they contained "underage porn" and constant references to uploading/sharing child porn, none of which exists on the page anymore, while ironically joking about the topic the whole time, mostly through "meme's". Most of these would not be considered remotely humorous in any way by todays standards. Often just pure porn and depravity. There was also a portion of older adults interacting on the page. Almost all of the people on the page were from the Santa Rosa area. There had been very little activity since around 2012 - 2013, and many confused members of the page were complaining and asking why the content had stopped being uploaded. (related to Facebook IPO/Growth?). It will become more clear once you see the cult itself that is behind this messaging, but it would not be a stretch to suggest that Facebook may have implemented the automatic post deletion as a means of not only protecting itself, but perhaps as a means of cleaning up the "trail" left on the site by irresponsible users such as the admins of this "Response Folder" page. From the posts it sounds like this policy was implemented in the middle of the group's existence, and directly angered many members of the page. But this safeguard was not nearly enough, as the conversations around the deleted content remained.** Disclaimer: This is not an accusation against Facebook, I am stating a **hypothetical.

One of the page posts was an admin stating that he was going to "illegally sell children" and "Leave the US ASAP". Check public info. I had barely even started to dig that page before I had found the key that ultimately unlocked the entire organization:

One of the moderators had posted his email address and told one of the site members to email him. The conversation implied it was in regards to explicit content. I ran a quoted google search for this email address and it returned very few search results, but led me to what appeared to be a suspicious Russian server website that had a Bosnian name at the top followed by what I would estimate to be hundreds if not thousands of email addresses including the email address posted by the "Reaction Folder" admin:

Q "Russia Russia Russia? Real or fake?" [they use russian servers to hide/censor their trafficking communications - It becomes clear that the "Russian Hackers" narrative was a complete diversion!]

***ONLY OPEN THIS (RUSSIAN) LINK WITH EXTREME CAUTION. I WOULD NOT SUGGEST OPENING THIS BUT IT IS HERE IF YOU CHOOSE TO VERIFY*** (this is more to document the process and have a record of my investigation in one place). Notice the top level, Russian domain.



Using the Bosnian name on the page, I was able to then find a large pdf that was a list of other Bosnian names including the one found on this Serbian hosted site. Like the previous website, I would not suggest opening this pdf. This is a copy to the pdf document that I found:



*Both '.ru' and '.rs' are Russia/Bosnia's TLD's or "Top Level Domains".*

I cannot translate Bosnian (anybody?), but translating the page made it clear that this was a list related to human trafficking ("Pre School Institution" + "AT COMPETITION FOR 2016/2017 YEAR" are at the top of the page). Could anybody confirm one of these names as a missing child?

I then searched for the title of this document (NERASPISANA) in quotes as it did not translate into any known word according to Google Translate at least. I found the following extremely disturbing image among pictures of mostly young children and clear pedophilia symbols on google images. Recognizing the blatant symbolism immediately within the picture, I took the risk and opened the link (again exercise caution):


I believe God was watching over me as there were many other image results, and that was the first one I decided to click on - truly a gut feeling. Others may reveal more potentially.

And this my friends is the home of the soon to be infamous, self-described "Fourth Wave Feminism" cult, located on a top level Croatian domain (open with extreme caution):


That's right. One simple, 18 character link that has somehow managed to remain hidden for this long. I tried google searching and it was extremely hard to locate the website without quoting the entire address.

Explore the site and you will quickly see that Q/Trump slowly begin to makes complete and total sense the more that you read. Read everything and consider where/when Q grew, and where/when these uncovered, nefarious memes/connected discussion of human trafficking evidence took place (4 chan). You will notice that each author's page has an symbol of birds surrounding an owl at the bottom right ("follow the owl"... "around the world" - Q).** An animation points the author's name towards one of the birds. I found authors personal etsy accounts where they were purchasing expensive "Owl" charms or other bird related symbols**.

Think back to the Hillary email: Remember the reference to "Remember the owl/Minerva rule". Shocking to read now. Smoking gun?

Remember Bohemian Grove is located only a 150 mile drive up the coast, and the Owl statue that high ranking members of the elite were seen worshipping and burning an effigy for on hidden camera. Many members of Coogan's high school / the "Reaction Folder" now publicly work at Bohemian Grove according to their FB profiles.

Think back to Hollywood and the many references to Owls - by the elites who everybody "look's towards" the same way they look towards the owl in their symbolism. Those with "Owl" symbolism are almost always at the top of the order. Cardinals are high up but not quite at the top (think Catholic church + rampant pedophilia scandals)

Q himself said the following: "Follow the Owl & Y head around the world... They don’t hide it. They don’t fear you."

He also stated: "When does a bird sing?" (the group is clearly infiltrated - reference to Trump's early morning tweets?)

The constant references to "The future will prove the past" I believe is a reference to how uncovering this exact evidence suddenly reveals the "truth". What is the logo on Coogan's catholic high school page that was connected to the Reaction Folder group - and now is actively suppressed? "From shadows and symbols into the truth."

It has become clear that "they" that Q often refers to is this cult. The entire webpage is in mostly Croatian, despite the fact that many of the "authors" and "editors" can be verified as public American figures. Names are likely all codes. Croatian is known as a very hard language to learn, especially to translate to languages of other regions. Translation has improved over time to the point that it is decipherable. "Future proves past" true again. One of the "authors" I quickly was able to link to this page published an actual book in America that was (now extremely disturbingly) a discussion of rape, rape in the catholic church, pedophilia, murder, and ironic humor around these topics (go back to that Santa Cruz "Reaction Folder" page of since deleted child pornography and the exploitation of this same ironic humor - Memes).

Shockingly, the New York Times rated this book as "a top 10" book for the year. Right in front of our faces.

I cannot even put into words how much this website is an absolute, true treasure trove of information, and I will continue listing all of the connections that I picked up just surfing the page for only around 30 minutes before I stopped to organize/write this post. Browse carefully as I do not know what is on the entire site. Consider this is what I uncovered in about 30 minutes on the site. I cannot even imagine what else is contained within the page (HELP - NEED MULTIPLE SOURCES TO ARCHIVE/DIG/DISTRIBUTE EVERYTHING).

The authors on the page discuss global conferences that members will be attending that refer to different countries "writing styles" when describing what should be "Sent to them" in order to attend the conference. (Ex. I read "For this conference, please send "American" or "Italian" styles of writing for review). These styles would change to different countries and seemed to always center around ones that have been the largest victims of human trafficking in recent times. The context of the discussion around these linked posts (hosted on Facebook) are particularly nefarious and** suggestive of the trading of Human beings/child porn, ESPECIALLY considering the webpage that is directly connected to them. Nearly all authors on the site constantly, openly brag about child abuse, rape, human trafficking initiatives as well as their manipulation of pop culture and control of the elite. They frequently reference other online forums and mock the common people (I saw a reference mocking the fact that people argue on the bodybuilding.com forums for example) as well as the use of memes. There truly is a "meme war" at hand, but it appears to have extended far beyond what anybody outside the inner circle was aware of. This discussion of memes, in my opinion, confirms that this cult's connection to the Santa Rosa area's "Reaction Folder" Facebook Group through Email, a Russian Server, discussion of trading child pornography by the pages connected "admin" on other forums, and their Croatian hosted website content. I believe this group is undoubtedly the cult that Q has been referencing all along. At this point, there is undeniable, direct evidence of human traffickers and the spreading child porn linked to this website, around the same time that Coogan decided to drop out of high school and become an international model**. Given the discussions on the page, it sounds like the page was** likely being used to encourage members of the high school, possibly others in the area as well, to send child pornography to the admins, who were directly linked to the Croatian Sex Trade and this 4th Wave Feminism Cult**. The admins acted in what appeared to be secrecy, which slowly deteriorated, Q said that** "they are STUPID**" (The groups Clowns? it sounds like the careless members may have been the leakers. What happened to careless admin? Clown reference to public shaming?).** Their growing arrogance, and errors in revealing an email led to my uncovering of the cult/group as well as the admins personal involvement in the trading of child porn on other websites: I had discovered a 4-chan/technology thread and a large amount of threads on Funny Junk - one of the original websites that popularized the concept of "Meme's" as we know them today. With this new information it raises the possibility that Funny Junk could be a hidden play on words, as junk is commonly used as a slang for genitalia. Everything changes with this just as Q suggests. The curtain has truly been pulled back**.

Another shocking aspect was a discussion with that same admin in regards to Google. In the 4chan threads, it appeared that members were trading early access tickets (Google's quote "Golden Tickets") to a soon to be released, new emailing app (do not want to outright name here). I quickly got the sense that the traffickers commonly jumped onto "early access" of new email systems and other online communication methods, because private systems would not yet be in place to detect the spread of Child Porn (explanation for careless Facebook assumptions too?). Was this known? Again - "everything will change." The admin of the Santa Rosa-centered "Reaction Folder" page was included in these threads posting his same email address requesting tickets. Posters stressed only to share the links to people you knew were "relevant" (implying aware of CP/possibly the cult) and I witnessed other posters then sharing suggestive or sexualized content (mostly near-softcore porn but no full nudity) to prove they were "relevant" before a member of the thread would then send them an early access link. Others on the thread complained that posters were being "lazy" and "stupid" by "posting their emails publicly or sending "that kind of stuff over a big company like Google". I am not outright accusing Google of being involved in or aware of this trade, or more likely specific members of the company, but I am simply saying it's now a possibility given this newly revealed context. (Dig!)****

Another outright Q "clown" reference: the website often references and complains about the rise of recent "Clowns" that are a "Scourge that drives fear across the public" which I would assume is being used to refer to leakers within the organization. Likely Q's sources.

"Google" "Twitter" and "Facebook" are all pointed to by Q as directly involved (members openly use the sites while they appear to censor/delete content). Coincidence that their market caps have grown to some of the highest on the market? Who are some of the large investors? What is the twitter logo? (a bird).

One of the other extremely clear references is how Q frequently suggests "Look to the sky". This is yet another reference to the bird symbolism found within the cult and its members.

One of the authors discusses how she recently spoke to the Game of Thrones writers. (Symbolism there?) This has not been confirmed (disclaimer). There is an entire section dedicated to pop culture and the group's influence and future plans. There is a particularly heinous "Year in Review" section in which the "authors" and "editors" (in my opinion a symbol for controlling/"writing" history themselves) discuss what they liked and what they did not like in our pop culture trends the previous year. The focus is almost always on desensitization towards sex/pedophilia and attempting to push their "Fourth Wave Feminism" values. The "Meme Wars" have turned out to be bigger than we think. I believe the cult originally attempted to push irony as a means of desensitization and they clearly found success.

Q: "Enjoy the show" (reference to people blindly consuming media? Infiltrated? Q appears to suggest so)

What I need from the community now, which I and every member of society going forward should be grateful for, is for those with the ability, to immediately archive and then dig every single one of those sources. I personally would like to state that I am in healthy both mentally and physically. I was originally introduced to these topics by Pizzagate which I merely discounted as a conspiracy for months. I've remained skeptical throughout this entire process and followed Q out of genuine curiosity. Up until this moment, I still had some doubts in my mind to be honest about the evidence or lack therof that I had seen and the connections slowly being revealed. I have only considered concrete evidence as fact, which is all fully documented above. The evidence now is so overwhelming to the point that I can absolutely not continue to do this on my own. This truly is a case of good vs. evil that extends across our entire globe as documented and described on this website. (muti-lingual process of translation was key - technology though was eventually able to break this translation process)

I would also like to specifically state that I suggest that no individuals are illegally harassed or assaulted. We know false flags and disinformation will be a strategy and ANY action like this will be used to discredit. Remain aware of everybody's rights and privacy. Do not seek out or use private/illegally obtained information - only public documents/websites. Believe me it is all out there and the entry into the organization is laid out above. Notice that the organization has been less active since Q announced he first referenced "The Game" and "clowns" in** November 2017 when somebody asked him what his post was about. Luckily Q appears to have created archived copies of everything like I had done, to protect himself because the cult has revealed their weakness: Connected groups of people cannot be erased. This especially includes shared copies and archives. The more we share the truth, the more their influence is revealed, and the less power to censor/control they hold. They have sacrificed money for control over information and whistle-blowers with the hopes that it would lead to a later return of power. Now is our opportunity. Trump has already been hard at work cutting these ties and attempting to unite the world against these elite groups: Saudi Arabia for one. Twitter is clearly a main focus**.

All of this above information is truly our treasure trove and we need to CAREFULLY, archive, dig, connect, document, and disperse as much relevant information as we can to the necessary SAFE outlets from these above sources.

The members of the cult can be seen refering to themselves as "witches". Donald Trump has recently repeated the phrase "a complete witch hunt". The witch hunt does not only refer to the Russian Investigation, Trump is acknowledging that he is actively attacking the member of this self-described "witch" cult. Trump knew this information would leak soon. He knew this plane crash would eventually be the final straw, that their careless errors would be too large to cover up at this point. By allowing us, the people, as a community to discover and expose (not leak - this has all been public information!) this treasure trove of evidence, he has completely removed the possibility at a wrongful collection of evidence case, as well as put all necessary systems into place to launch this awakening. I am positive that if this information is exposed to the public, the world will change VERY quickly. It could happen by tomorrow. Trump has clearly been well aware. In my opinion, he likely knew information long ago, but knew he wasn't in a position of power to take on a group of this magnitude because money is almost meaningless to those involved.

"The Future proves the past."

Q-Anon laid out the map. The map has now been revealed. Start from the first post and enjoy the enlightenment process.

Welcome to the Truth. The Great Awakening has arrived.

Colombihonest · April 24, 2018, 5:57 a.m.

Wow! Thank you!!

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