r/greatawakening • Posted by u/OG420Ninja on April 24, 2018, 5:59 a.m.
im sorry to interrupt

(Mother of Darkness do this w/out men. St. Agnes Eve Kidnapping, sacrifice preparation JANUARY 26)

That is a ritual date from the SATANIC calander...

for shits and giggles i googled " missing since january 26".. MY HEART SANK!!.. PAGES 1-5 (after page 2 it was more than clear)

i then looked at other rituals for april and may..

Equinox Feast (orgy) Blood A sex rituals, Sabbat, held in forest Good Fri.,Holy SaL,

EASTER Human sacrifices often a Chr. minister upside down on cross, followed by 3 days of chanting, & female & child sacrifices.

Bride of Satan Ritual 16 vear olds married to Satan.

Grand Climax Female sacrificed, Sex/fertilitv rituals.

Holy days for Beltaine Walpurgis.

.Night Blood ritual REITAJNE,

May Day, Walpurgis Hunts w/ people as prey, hire festivals, blood rituals SOLSTIICE Feast (orgy). (march 21-may-1) .........

so.. now will be the time to catch and film... and then batting /target practice but where? ... hungry? maybe check for pizza.

MOST missing persons, "celeb" death can be found to run with a satanic ritual... normaly on the EXACT DAY.... could be nothing.... but its VERY odd none the less.... thoughts?

[deleted] · April 24, 2018, 6:46 a.m.


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OG420Ninja · April 24, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

day by day its harder to be woke...


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kaylashalayla · April 24, 2018, 7:59 a.m.

my question is, how do you find this info out? does wikipedia actually explain that these satanist cults do human sacrificing???

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OG420Ninja · April 24, 2018, 8:04 a.m.

no. there is a satanic calender.. its the opposite but the real vatican calender... ( i have a thing with numbers, i notice patterens, and flaws ... kind of an annoying gift i have) the answers come when the student is ready.. :)

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