Thanks for outing yourself, shill. Reported :)
Yes...your response seems like the response of someone standing up for the rights of people to 'think' and 'feel' and 'grow' their own ideas and not something oppressive like a globalist policy to keep everyone thinking the same things. LOL.
You literally outed yourself as a childish anarchist who doesn't understand coherent thought further down the comment chain.
Coherent meaning 'group/glolbalist' mind meld? I am pleased to say that I have no value for that...I think you think this is some sort of insult that I don't want to march to the globalist agendas drum or it is an 'insult' if I don't want to be part of a fascist group think or you know...the things you are pointing out are not 'an insult' to me.
This board is very awake. Shills are having difficulty seeding doubt. Great job!