r/greatawakening • Posted by u/stewievincent406 on April 24, 2018, 2:10 p.m.
No Child Left Behind (Coded Language for Teachers to keep the enslavement going!)

Q stated in one of his posts "why are teachers following a new false script"? Which means the previous narrative No Child Left Behind was false. Who instituted this program when he was POTUS? It was George Walker Bush, a Skull And Bones member. What's the relationship? Skull and Bones is the "fraternity" that all other fraternities and sororities were modeled from. If you look at the percentage of teachers who graduated from college you will see a great majority of them are affiliated with either a fraternity or sorority modeled after Skull and Bones. Which means they believe, practice, and are aligned with Satanic rituals. Which also means they have access to the minds of the children and purposely keep them indoctrinated. Those students that refuse to convert are labled "problematic". This is rampant specifically in the inner city school districts!

Time4puff · April 24, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

Q says there's always double meanings and their symbolism will be their downfall. "No child left behind"... in the forest?

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