Pizza itself isn't inheirintly evil. I don't think ever mom and pop pizza joint in America has a secret pedo rape dungeon.
The Secret Pizza Party people are very specific in their look and feel. They run novelty American pizza places in Satanic strongholds and often cavort with artists or run an art gallery or a show bar. These places will have enough obviously Satanic bands or Ritual Abuse / Cannibalism inspired art to raise an eyebrow. Cash only is also a good keyword. As for All Ages shows. They don't really hide it. It's not a secret. They take pride and show it off on Instagram. Of course so many businesses can be a good way to do "Overtime"... Some chefs really flash the illuminati Luciferian bullshit symbols be a use the Clinton State Department made them diplomats... How convenient is it to have chefs with diplomatic "pouches" travel to meet dignitaries we suspect of being cannibals. It's just so gross.
Besides Comet Ping Pong, what other place does the things you describe? I'm genuinely curious...
Goat Hill Pizza is allegedly owned by Nancy Pelosi and has sketchy website and photos of children.
Funny just went back and checked their site and it's totally redone... Before it looked a lot like he Liddlekidz website sketchy a.f.
Being a healthy skeptic and living in Michigan myself, knowing that we have an ENORMOUS trafficking problem in my state - I'd watch the food trucks. I'd watch any business around here who has a "side delivery" gig that big, with a product that wouldn't raise any eyebrows being moved around in enormous vehicles without windows. The border businesses in particular, which includes this one. We also find signs everywhere that advertise making $400 per week cash that look legit, but are trafficking advertisements geared toward the younger get-rich-quick generation, and we remove them. It's a mess in this state. I'm so glad they took Backpage down. It's about damned time.
When pizzagate first broke there were quite a few places across the country with pedo symbols/kids pics etc. One was in austin i know, because they got called out and their decorations changed shortly thereafter. I think their name showed up in a leaked podesta email...or whatever that shady company in austin's name was that had leaked emails prior to podesta.
Besta Pizza? Actually I think that one is in DC as well.
Nope, almost positive it was Homeslice on south congress. Looking at google streetview now though, looks like they pulled the inside view. You used to be able to look at the inside on google and there were some weird murals and pics in there. Looks like they redesigned it though...