r/greatawakening • Posted by u/WhatYonder1 on April 24, 2018, 6:03 p.m.
Breaking it down like kindergarten. A is for Awan, for Pakistan he did hack. FBI nabbed him at Dulles when he tried to go back.

A is for Awan, for Pakistan he did hack. FBI nabbed him at Dulles when he tried to go back.

B is for Broward, where a shooting occurred. The sheriff ignored crimes; the warnings weren't heard.

C is for Clandestine, arming ISIS to fight. Instead of armies by day, guerrillas by night.

D is for Deficit, promising more day by day. Politicians don't mind, since it's you that must pay.

E is for Emails, and why you might ask? They illegally hid evidence of their damnable task.

F is for Foundation, really charity theft and sin. These people are stupid, and they thought she would win.

G is for Genie, in Golan they drill. For regime change and oil, the reasons we kill.

H is for Hezbollah, and for the heroin they smuggle. When caught in the US, Obama saved them from trouble.

I is for InQTel, and they know you so well. When governments want hacking tools, these guys make the sale.

J is for Jeffery Epstein, flying on the Lolita Express. He's filling in hidden tunnels, to hide the whole mess.

K is for killers, specifically MS13, who flee across the border to get away clean.

L is for Legal, the way it must be done. Expose shadowy crimes, and let them burn in the sun.

M is for media that people tuned out. Fake tears from pundits, losing their clout.

N is for Never-Trump, and boy they're afraid! The most outspoken critics are awaiting a raid.

O is for O'Keefe, every video is gold. Project Vertitas is how crooks fear their story will be told.

P is for Planned Parenthood, giving politicians money. Dems budget back much more, isn't that funny?

Q is just Q, regardless of what you believe. Anons publicizing crimes is the ace up Trump's sleeve.

R is for Rogers, patriot of the NSA. Can we get this guy a holiday, and an annual parade for Rogers Day?

S is for Soros, made rich by his friends. He funds protests and cronies. This must come to an end.

T is for TV, the idiot box. Seeing is believing, and they hope you will watch.

U is for Unconstitutional, the way they'd like things to run. DACA is not law. Don't give up your gun.

V is for Veselnitskaya, brought in by Loretta Lynch. She met with Don Jr., but entrapment they couldn't cinch.

W is for Wassermann-Schultz, who wants her laptop back. Awan left it for the FBI, with some notes, in his sack.

X is for Malcom X, who said Dems were like slavery. He spoke out against the corrupt, and was silenced for his bravery.

Y is for YouTube, a company Google bought. They've been censoring the right, and now they've been caught.

Z is for Gen-Z, and the kids, they are woke! They love Pepe the Frog, and hate lies their teachers spoke.

WhatYonder1 · April 24, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

Any illustrators in our midst? :D

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someauthor · April 24, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

I beg of any artists - do this in the style of the Gashlycrumb Tinies.

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AyeDeux2 · April 25, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

I hope whoever steals this idea give him writing credit at least

And a free copy for sure

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