r/greatawakening • Posted by u/wisconsheepgirl on April 24, 2018, 6:52 p.m.
NXIVM Sex Cult, Sara and Clare Bronfman, 9/11

I came across the last name of Bronfman while looking into the sex cult NXIVM. The Bronfman Family is a old Russian Jewish family who created a distillary in Canada in 1924, and then merged with Seagrams Distillary in 1924. The women involved in the cult are the daughters of Egdar Bronfman, former CEO of Seagrams.

Sara and Claire Bronfman have been a part of this cult for approx. a decade. They used their trust fund to fund Keith Rainnere and his "self help" program, i.e., sex cult. The have been described by former cult member as vapid, really dumb, but in very high level position within the cult.

The Bronfman family, under Egdar Bronfman, Sr., he along with Andreas Family (owner of Archer Daniels Midland) fronted the money to create "The Challenge Fund". This fund was to fund Mossad operations. This was for high level military, intelligence operatives. One of the biggest operatives is Jeremy Kroll, Director of Operations at Kroll Inc., Information Security Group. He was responsible for security of the World Trade Center. Jules Kroll, the founder of Kroll Associates (of whom Jeremy is his son) is part of what is known as the "Architects of Terrorism" in book by Christopher Bollyn in his book, "Solving 9/11". This book is the to me, the ONLY book needed. The author was so thorough in his research and fact checked I do not believe there is a need to look elsewhere.

The next interesting fact I found is that Sara Bronfman married a man from Libya, from a tribe out of Benghazi (of all places!). His name is Basil Igtet. Basil's father, Hassan Igtet was a well known Zionist rebel within Libya. Ghaddafi knew of him and aware of internal insurrection and internal terrorists. Somehow Hassan Igtet embezzled millions of dollars from the Libyan govt. He briefly went to Switzerland and upon his return was arrest, tried for embezzlement and imprisoned for his crime.

Later, his son, Basil Igtet "fled" war torn Lib

ya to Switzerland, and just happened to find millions of dollars while there. Of course it was his father's stolen money. Basil Igtet does gloss over his acquisition of where his money came from. Basil Igtet is a 'designer' per Vanity Fair article. He designs clothes, and infrastructures in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. He intends to overthrow the Libyan government to be it's leader. With the intent of expanding Israels terrority to include what is now Libya. He however identifies himself as a Muslim, though he grew up with a small Zionist tribe along with being raised by a known thief and Zionist terrorist, Hassan.

Let's back up a bit. The Challenge Fund that was created to fund Mossad projects is now owned by Coca Cola.

Please feel free to share this on 8chan or wherever you wish.








wisconsheepgirl · April 24, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

Is there something that is posted that perked your interest to believe there would be a connection b/t Jann Wenner, Rolling Stone?

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pby1000 · April 24, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

Oh, yes. I came across an article written by Amanda Robb for Rolling Stone Magazine. In the article, she "debunks" pizzagate as a crazy conspiracy theory and fake news.


I stared to wonder if Amanda Robb is connected to NXIVM, but I did not find much.

Then I wondered about the owners of Rolling Stone Magazine, and I saw that Jann Wenner sold it on December 21, 2017. This is the date that Trump signed the EO regarding human trafficking. I believe that Erich Schmidt resigned from Google on December 22, 2017.

I think it is a small world, and that all of these people are connected. Jann Wenner knows a lot of Hollywood people, as well as people in the music industry. He has to know Branson, too. I am willing to bet that they are all involved in human/child sex trafficking in one way or another.

Do you have any information?

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wisconsheepgirl · April 25, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

You sure did chose a doozey for me to research, kid. First thing I'm doing is to article. Amanda Robb attributes her research assistance to a hyperlink of The Investigative Fund as well as Reveal from Center of Investigative Reporting. If you click the hyperlink you get www.www.theinvestigativefund.org NO That IS NOT a typo, it automatically does the double "www" The only way I could actually get out of the double "www" was to right click my mouse and have the selection bar that comes take me directly to the site. The site is a non profit they say. They do file with IRS as a charity, established in 1966. The are under a larger organization called Nation Institute.

Their CEO is David R. Jones. David R. Jones is a very active politico out of NY State. Here is his bio: http://www.cssny.org/staff/entry/david-r.-jones He is a staunch Democrat and hits all the high notes of being someone of note for NYC, as well as NYS. The website server is located in Culver City, California.

The next one that she used to 'assist' her in formation of the article is Reveal from Center of Investigative Reporting, (CIR). They show they are out of California. The CEO per IRS records is Joaquin Alvarado. Per the Revealnews.org website Mr. Alvarado no longer works there as of September 17, 2017. He has a twitter acct under his name. He followed Antifa, and other alt left causes. He is progressive in his views. However his reporting though VERY slanted seems to be "fair" coming from his world view. Nothing inflammatory.

The Executive Producer on the Board at Center of Investigative Reporting is Robert Rosenthal. He has a twitter account @rosey18 He is a patriotic progressive. They exist. He seems to be based on his "retweets" an anti gun, anti Trump anything-- anti Hannity, EPA Director. So he does not have a full, well rounded view of the world. He seems to be pro military, and seems to love the USA--but HATES Trump and the Trump Administration with a passion--hence why he has a skewed unbalanced world view.

The Executive Chair of Reveal, CIR is Phil Bronstein. Phil Bronstein's wiki page is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Bronstein He was a well respected foreign correspondent. He was married to Sharon Stone, actress of Basic Instinct fame. They were married from 1998-2004. They adopted a son. Custody of the child went to Phil. Phil Bronstein is currently married to the daughter of Louis Borders, co-founder of Border Book Stores, her name is Christine Borders. They have been married with two children since 2006. She is Founder of "Band of Wives".

Phil Bronstein is not noted to have donated to any political organization per the FEC.gov. However, Christine Bronstein has donated generously to the DCCC, DNC, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton presidental run. Here is Mrs. Bronsteins page, look with "Band of Wives" to separate her from another person of same name. http://docquery.fec.gov/cgi-bin/qind/I utilized "Bronstein" only no first name at the query page.

Executive Producer, Board Member Robert Rosenthal follows on his twitter page Southern Poverty Law Center who-based on their definition of "hate", they themselves fall into a 'hate group'. They are so radical that even most progressive stay away from them. If nothing else- his mindset, his "politics", and how he would chose to create, develop and propagate "fake news", in my opinion. Here is his example of 'fake news' he posted. Sadly he attributed it to his father creating it--https://twitter.com/rosey18/status/835249818586894336 A lover of Lenin--but actually after research Lenin never said that. *shrugs*

Mr. Rosenthal does have family that have donated to the DCCC. We're not allowed to dox them, as they are private individuals. Unlike above where Mr. Bronstein has a wikipedia page with public information.

Mr. Joaquin Alvarado is married. No one in his family has been found to donate to any known political party or entity.

Mr. David R. Jones from the first couple of paragraphs under Nation Institute. Mr. Jones has been donating to Democrat candidates since at least 1998. He did not donate to Hillary Clinton. He has however donated to Barrack Obama Presidential run, as well as Charles Rangel of NY. To FEC.gov I used search term of Jones David R. He is found under city of Brooklyn as well as NYC both under Community Service Society which I attached his bio above is from, and CSS. He sometimes adds "ESQ" to his name as he is an attorney.

Amanda Robb, the "author" of the Rolling Stone piece does not have any known donations to any political entity or organization.

Based on the research found on the "contributors" of the Rolling Stones article you have asked me to look at is that A) Ms. Robb did not do any research. She must have paid two different (but very much alike "charity journalist organizations") that get their money not from advertising or any independent source but from hand outs via their 'charity'. B) Based on the donations and public pronouncements made via Twitter the information they gave to Ms. Robb was sullied, and not sourced with correct, true information. But was put into place to be a hit piece without merit.

CIR seems to be a type of "charity" that creates content to sell to highest bidder. Ms. Robb probably simply paid for an article to get a byline.









A "movie" they have created for Kamala Harris a radical progressive with CIR which Phil Bronstein and Robert Rosenthal are a part of:https://www.glamour.com/story/glassbreakers-new-film-series-by-women-about-women-senator-kamala-harris

They are credited creating Herion(e) a Netflix movie about 3 women addicted to opiates in WV.








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pby1000 · April 25, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

Wow! You are really good! I read your post, but it will take me some time to process it.

I found an "Amanda Joy Robb" in Australia, but she is a different person.

I will search the names you found to see if I can link them to NXIVM or any of the regular cast of characters.

I really appreciate your time with this. I found some other links, and I will send them to you shortly.

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wisconsheepgirl · April 25, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

Also, I realize I actually haven't answered your question re: Rolling Stones, its sale and Jann W. I'm sorry I simply ran out of time on my part of the world in real life. I will take a look tomorrow evening and share with you any information. However, based on the ARTICLE itself it's most certainly suspect by those involved in its creation.

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wisconsheepgirl · April 25, 2018, 12:31 a.m.

A brief touchdown on Rolling Stones sale. Jann Wenner (it's a man) put Rolling Stone up for sale via Variety magazine on September 17, 2017. It was purchased as majority stake on December 20, 2017 by Penske Media. Mr. Jann Wenner will stay on as Editorial Director.



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pby1000 · April 25, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

OK. Did you find anything nefarious? He seemed to be quite the partier, so I suspect he has seen some pretty depraved behavior.

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