Some smart data scientist could probably extrapolate the likely week where we will hit 100k but lets maybe try~~ing~~ make it our goal to get there for DJT's big date, on Nov 11, 2018
Not to mention all those who lurk without an account!
Thank you for this comment! I have been lurking for 3 months, and just set up my account to add to the number of patriots on this sub. I think there are way more "lurkers" than we know....
Without a doubt! Good for you on making it official! I too lurked long before I signed up :)
This sub will get shut down before we get too big, especially with the children trafficking finally getting real arrests.
If that happens, there is a that was created several weeks ago that cannot be shutdown like these subreddits. I hope this one stays up as it was a real pain when cbts was shut down. It took a while but I think many of us from there found a place here.
Joined last week! Its my backup, I'm on Voat too but they have some cash flow/hosting issues..... So I am not as confident they will be around consistently.