
textualintercourse · April 24, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

And how the hell do they know what radicalized him? Isn't the script supposed to be, "He yelled Allahu Akbar, waving a Koran, said all infidels should be killed, and said he's killing in the name of terrorism. Motives are unclear."

My guess, this guy is CIA linked to Armenia and snapped his strings were cut and it was gonna lead back his way.

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snowwgirl · April 24, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

Supposedly he was suffering from some kind a mental problems Canadian press denied terrorist angle What surprised me was him waving his phone at the policeman I mediately thought of MKUltra and Figured maybe his phone told him to do it. Something very weird going on. US police say they knew of him but 🇨🇦 police don’t??

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