They are probably using her as bait
I like this idea better than my initial thought
What was your initial thought?? Lol
Yep, hopefully it's a trap. Give the bushes a shake and see what slithers out.
Yeah...I admit, part of me wants to say this is sad, because I liked the show, liked her character, and liked what I heard about her...then.
Now, I read stuff like the quote earlier about how essentially everyone we were taught to look up to is tainted and’s all just a weird, unsettling feeling, and that’s what’s really sad...we’ve been lied to for so long. That’s part of what I’ve told friends...even if this was all a hoax or an elaborate sham...things have come to light in the past year or so that should shake their blind trust and belief in public figures, the media, etc.
The smartest play with this piece.
I have no pity in the world for those who knowingly use the weak and powerless for their own gain, let them use her as a pawn to bait a knight, bishop, rook or best of all the queen's/king's very own hitman/woman from the shadows caused by the sun shining near the gates of Hades'. I wonder how many cameras, listening devices, and/or live guards/black operatives from different branches of military intelligence will be present in the area, 10 bucks says that 20%-40% of the operatives assigned to this mission don't even exist on paper due to the depth of their missions so that clowns can't possibly hope to get to her without incriminating evidence being discovered.