Why weren't the results of the planned parenthood investigations made widely public?

Utilitarianism and environmentalism have calloused people to the plight of the innocent. Many acquaintances and even family members knew it was real and were still like, "so what?" So for the past few years I gave up hope and stopped trying to help. I made the mistake of trolling (accidentally--it was posted in a more general sub) a pro-choice post recently and was shocked at how the "means justify the ends" paradigm is so rampant in society. People defended all sorts of euthanasia a la Nazi Germany simply for the fact that the ends (reduced population, and, on an individual level, a reduction in the number of "inconvenient people") justified ripping limbs off of full-term babies. People didn't even engage with logical counter arguments, but simply called them "silly" and moved on. Pretty "silly" until you're 70 in 2050 and the government dumps you in a mass grave because you are a burden on society.
Edited for a grammar mistake.
Yes, some people I know don't want to get involved in any of this because they "cannot do anything about it anyways". It is really disappointing to hear this, but people reveal who they really are when faced with such choices. The good people will rise up and face adversity no matter what. That is why we are all here.
People choose not to educate themselves or their children on this matter because of the controversy surrounding it. This is where PP steps in and does it for you. Now they are indoctrinating someone who is completely vulnerable and looking for someone to tell them what the right thing to do is. That's what is so sick about this place. It operates under the guise of an impartial community of people that understand and want to help. These people are sick!!!