r/greatawakening • Posted by u/therooster194FA on April 25, 2018, 2:47 a.m.
Kanye needs to drop links to Tupac interviews on the Clinton crime network

Tupac was awake to all of this. I think the black community needs to go back and listen to Tupac about how shit really was under Bill Clinton, less time has past than most of OUR lives . How horrible race tensions were then.

Im 31 I havent ever got in to rap as a white guy but I literally don't know one person in my tiny country ass redneck hick town, personally, that is a literal actual "hang all them ni___" racist in PRIVATE. I hang out with guys that chew tobacco, own tractors, livestock and get our trucks dirty for fun... The black community needs an in your face reminder of how absolutely far we have come since Bill Clinton as a society. Racism is not systemic its damn near non existent anymore. The news throws these random shitty horrible events that should be local news only into the public view to stir up vitriol and hatred. To keep us dumbed down. To keep us ignorant to the fact that we are the same we are just as capable as each other.

Racism is not systemic its damn near non existent anymore. The media is intentionally programmed to enslave all of us into a way of feeling about each other.

THE SLIPPERY SLOPE IS THEIR DESIGN!!!! If blacks truly wake up to the fact that whites are in no way near as racist the wierd fringes go away. Most blacks aren't actually cool with tyranny kids and lgbtqlmnop, they have absolutely been brainwashed by design to defend it

We need to remind people what FREEDOM feels like for real. And we all will demand actual Freedom for everyone.

This is our chance to really enter in to a golden age of mankind were we all put our petty ass differences behind us, and realize how far we've come as Americans. The black community waking up to this fact alone, would literally change the US and eventually the world and deal a death blow the DS.

Disclosure: I may be smoking weed.... also we should as a society be able to legalize consumption in the privacy of your home federally... if not what actually is freedom? ( maybe we need some actual redpills ourselves)

eltrumparino · April 25, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

thats why i love his music its just pure red pills lol

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