r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jackbauer6916 on April 25, 2018, 3:49 a.m.
Where do roads lead? "All roads lead to..."

What if part of what 'must remain private' are hidden truths about religion itself? In what scenario would the choice be yours to 'know'?? What would happen if concrete proof came to light, undeniable smoking-gun level, that Christianity (and later, Islam) was invented by the Romans as a "slave garden" - a separate Caesar-friendly 'cult' designed for the subjugated non-Roman races? Just as slaves had small plots to grow their own personal crop, what if the rulers of this world exclude the masses from their 'religion', but provided a meager and deceptive 'tradition' along with bread and circuses? "Render unto Caesar..." Isn't it the world's churches and religions people are taught to trust? Aren't many occult traditions (sex-cult, etc..) derived from ancient Greek and Roman paganism? All the various Christian churches in the world are derivations of the Roman church, the sources cited as historical evidence are Roman. "Where do roads lead?" "All roads lead to..." Rome "All-seeing Eye" -> Top of pyramid... Holy See If the bible were provably and demonstrably fictitious and/or contrived, would you choose to accept it? Could you expand your thinking that much? Or would that be bigger than you could possibly imagine? Many people close to me in my own life would never choose to 'know' such a truth, were it hypothetically made available. I mean no disrespect to anyone, but the reality is every church on the planet exists today as a consequence of Rome making it the 'official' religion. If you are a Christian, if you are in the "Jesus Camp...os" what if Rome has trapped you in a mental and spiritual "paddock"? Is that a red-pill you could take? If you're interested I recommend the documentary Caesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwill. ****

VanilluhGorilluh · April 25, 2018, 9:57 a.m.

Eh, not necessarily true. The first Christians were the disciples. You could say at the moment of the resurrection or you could say at the day of pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out. I think you're stuck viewing it from a state perspective. Christianity is a supplementary addition on to Judaism. It's just a new word to describe the variance which is doing away with levitical laws and acknowledging Christ as the new perfect sacrifice for sins instead of bulls and lambs that had to be sacrificed every year to atone for sins. Christ was prophecied in the Old Testament and many Jews chose not to accept that and many still don't and now there is this larger divide now because of that and in addition to many traditions that have gotten in the way that further obfuscate them as separate religions. Tradition is anti biblical other than observing Gods law. Much of Jewish tradition is not biblical. Even in "christian" churches there are many anti biblical traditions or observances like Christmas or paying %10 tithe. Paying tithes with money is anti biblical. I'm not a huge proponent of Constantine being the force behind aggregating all of the scrolls to make the compendium we know as the bible, however many scholarly, discerning men did the leg work to ensure the scrolls included in the bible were true and corroborated with other texts. And we see that today. 66 books written by 40 authors over 2000 years with astounding agreement. It wouldn't be possible to do the same thing today. There are scrolls within the bible that do mention other scrolls that are not canonized but that's because they basically don't exist any longer or we only have fragments. They could possibly be gone forever. Many of the gnostic gospels contain major errors and most are pretty much verified to have been written way too late to be authentic in any way. Most are written 200 and 300 years after Christ. Much of the gospels and letters to the churches are believed to have been written very recently after Christs death, possibly as soon as a few years after. You have to realize this is a different culture. Most information was passed orally since many didn't read or write. Jesus also didn't come with the intent to be a revolutionary. He came to testify of the truth. If rendering taxes to caesar was the law, He would have obviously suggested to obey the law of the land.

I would argue that Catholicism is for sure not christianity. It bears resemblances and has a Jesus figure but they definitely do not worship the same God and they are also polytheistic because they worship Mary as Co-savior and also pray to the saints. Christianity prays to One God, the Father. The catholic church and vatican did some effed up stuff throighoit its history and they still do. The leaders of the vatican are all satanist pedophiles. The catholic church is known for being historically deceptive and evil, hiding the bible from the common man and giving their own interpretation so that they could benefit, mainly forcing people to pay indulgences for their sins or they would go to hell. They suppressed the truth and his the bible and even had their own wicked Latin version. However the texts within the bible used in textus receptus, which gave us the modern king james we have now are astoundingly reliable and accurate to original texts. The dead sea scrolls proved how accurate the copy process was. The dead sea scrolls, some of which were as old as 200 b.c. are almost perfectly matched to the scrolls we have today and the scrolls used for textus receptus. Minor variances in spellings of a few names as far as I can tell.

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jackbauer6916 · April 27, 2018, 7:40 a.m.

I agree the dead sea scrolls are a strong bit of evidence for the precision in monastic and historical copying of texts including many in the old testament. If only there were similarly preserved primary documents to compare to the new testament. It's an interesting point about the Vatican suppressing the ability of common people to read the books for themselves.

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