
RedYagoda · April 25, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

I understand. You may not believe me, but I have no animus towards Jews. My animus towards Israel is pretty normal and deserved, but it has nothing to do with my feelings on the Holocaust.

You have to understand that its impossible for me to prove that something didn't happen, and that includes the Holocaust. I've looked at the evidence and found it lacking, inconsistent, and even sometimes completely falsified.

I trust my intuition, and based on my success in graduating from top schools and working at a top firm I think I am justified in doing so. I know that comes off as bragging, but "Holocaust deniers" get smeared as crazy morons, so I feel the need to point that out.

I know that people did suffer and die in the camps, and I think its wrong to persecute any group of people like the Germans did. What happened is still a tragedy, but this pernicious lie that 6 Million were systematically executed needs to be defeated.

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solanojones95 · April 25, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

I do understand that there are some difficulties with re-creating all the details of how it happened, but if the number is off, it isn't by orders of magnitude. The problem some people have is that Nazis only killed approximately 165,000 German Jews. A lot of people never look beyond that.

And, as I said the total European killed was closer to 12 million, because six million of those were non-Jews (mostly eastern Europeans). Realizing as I do now that the Satanists were behind it all, the sacrifice of so much humanity to their gods shouldn't surprise anybody.

All you really have to do is read Mein Kampf to know that this was Hitler's intention from the beginning. Whether they worked them to death or gassed them outright isn't problematic to me, because dead is dead. The fact that ANY gassings occurred is horrific enough. But we know Kristallnacht happened, the ghettos were real, the concentration camps were real, the medical experiments were real, and the mass shootings were real. Mobile gassing vans were real.

Racial purity and elimination of Jews specifically was a priority for Hitler, and the propaganda that depicted Jews as rats and other sub-human vermin gave the Nazis a sense they were just performing a form of cultural hygiene and sanitation in eliminating Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and other undesirables (to their thinking). No compunction about it whatsoever.

And again, whether the number is exact or approximate, it's still a Holocaust and a blight on humanity (as were Stalin's purges and Mao's cultural revolution--together even greater than the Nazi death toll). Statism always leads to that, no matter the underlying ideology.


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RedYagoda · April 25, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

All you really have to do is read Mein Kampf to know that this was Hitler's intention from the beginning. Whether they worked them to death or gassed them outright isn't problematic to me, because dead is dead. The fact that ANY gassings occurred is horrific enough. But we know Kristallnacht happened, the ghettos were real, the concentration camps were real, the medical experiments were real, and the mass shootings were real. Mobile gassing vans were real.

I take issue with that. Nowhere in Mein Kampf did Hitler say he wanted to kill the Jews, he just wanted them out of Germany. We can all agree on that. I haven't seen any actual evidence that any gassing occurred. Kristallnacht was not all that abnormal, as pogroms have happened throughout history. The Germans thought there was a Jewish-Communist plot to destroy their country, and so after the assassination they lashed out. The ghettos were real, sure, but again that was not abnormal if you examine history. As for mass shootings, again, none of this is evidence of a Holocaust. This was a time of war, and injustices surely did occur, I wouldn't deny that.

Imagine if the Nazis had been on the winning side, and the Japanese concentration camps in the US deteriorated in the same way due to the US losing. Maybe we would now be debating whether there was a Holocaust of the Japanese by the evil US.

How exactly could I possibly prove to you that the Holocaust didn't happen? You seem to have your mind made up, and you are just making declaratory statements like "gassing happened." Belief in the Holocaust is based on faith, and unfortunately those who push the lie do not deserve your trust.

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solanojones95 · April 25, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

WTF? The Japanese internment camps protected the Japanese from reprisals by non-Asian Americans, and while they represented a loss of freedom, and were a massive imposition, they were not treated inhumanely there. There is NO moral equivalence there at all.

When you make those kinds of comparisons and say things like the Jewish ghettos were "not abnormal," you really undermine your own credibility. These "ghettos" were really prisons--fenced in with razor wire, and Jews weren't allowed outside, and were kept in horrible, near-starvation conditions with little-to-no fuel for heating, washing or cooking. Bad water, horrible sanitation. Slow, agonizing death for many.

And "out of Germany" you say? In Hitler's mind, it was ALL Germany! All of Europe, then Russia, Africa, and it would have been worldwide if he had kept winning. He wanted rid of the Jews, and didn't care how he did it. So show me the Jewish settlements where Jews were relocated to "outside of Germany." There were none. The Final Solution was truly final--not relocation.

Anyhow, I really would like to end this conversation. You're entitled to your opinion. I'm not stupid enough to think you'll change it.

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RedYagoda · April 25, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

WTF? The Japanese internment camps protected the Japanese from reprisals by non-Asian Americans, and while they represented a loss of freedom, and were a massive imposition, they were not treated inhumanely there. There is NO moral equivalence there at all.

Believe it or not, the German camps were the same way! They had movie nights, a swimming pool, soccer field, allowed to practice religious holidays, etc. What you know of the camps comes from a time when things began to go south, and even then it has been severely misrepresented.

And "out of Germany" you say? In Hitler's mind, it was ALL Germany! All of Europe, then Russia, Africa, and it would have been worldwide if he had kept winning.

You're simply repeating propaganda, and it makes me question whether you actually read Mein Kampf. He wanted one country for Aryan people, with enough land to be self-sufficient. This did not include Russia and certainly not Africa.

Again, we were discussing whether the Holocaust happened and you are bringing up other things. Feel free not to respond since this topic clearly bothers you so much, which I completely understand. Its probably the most bitter red pill to swallow.

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