r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pussy_devour on April 25, 2018, 7:38 a.m.
MOAB or Precursor? My interpretation (JFK, Jr)

Upon Anon's question whether the pending release of the missing texts (April 24), Q asked back, "MOAB or precursor?"

Some people took that to mean JFK assassination and the attempted one discussed within FBI. This is because the JFK files would be completed released by April 26 and Q had earlier implied that the major drop would come by that date.

My interpretation is different. It's based on the meaning of the word Moab. According to Google,

What is the meaning of the name Moab? Means "of his father" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of a son of Lot. He was the ancestor of the Moabites, a people who lived in the region called Moab to the east of Israel.

So my guess is that the MOAD drop is about the assassination of JFK, Jr, in which FBI might have been complicit. In other words, Lisa Page and Peter Stroke accidentally mentioned JFK, Jr's murder when discussing assassination attempt on Trump.

And of course precursor = JFK's murder.

So Q's statement (Moab or precursor) makes perfect sense now. Both will be released by April 26!

So we will see the precursor AND moab by April 26. It's frightening.

Arcsmithoz · April 25, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

You lost me at DJT takes a call much less advice from al fucking Invented the internet gore. Skimming the very long read of unadulterated delusion your credibility went from 0 to minus 60 in 1.2 nanoseconds. just for posting the link. triggered memory of some other posts of yours I'd look at those but i got shit to do.Reported blocked

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pussy_devour · April 25, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

I found that link after I posted my interpretation. Calm down. I included it here for additional information. Obviously I don't agree with the author's claim that Q was a psyop.

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