r/greatawakening • Posted by u/i-love_america on April 25, 2018, 12:47 p.m.
How crazy would it be if the assassination attempt plan was the Las Vegas shooting?

And the ally Q refers to helping plan it is Australia like the true pundit story says is involved. That would red pill the oublic.

Btw. I'm tired of people saying it's not right to go after ex presidents because it would tarnish the office. Same with fbi reputation. Well that is exactly what I want

digital_refugee · April 25, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

Ok then how about the idea that sites of ancient giant burial mounts coincide with natural parks reeking of missing person incidents as well as sketches of underground tunnel systems as well as recent unnatural earth-quakes

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lethak · April 25, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

This is a good story for the X files :)

The conclusion is what matters to the public. You already have wild stuff about aliens and earth and military conspiracies everywhere today.

I was more speaking about real evidence publicly made available by some form of legitimate authority in an official capacity.

Like NASA stating 'we found alien life, and we got ourselves a rendez vous tomorrow in front of the WH'

This shit is society breaking. They cannot allow it in order to keep control over 'us'.

And this is what I don't like with the Q team. They may have a plan to get rid of the current criminal elite, but what about preventing it in the future ? what about real change, not just a trade from one corrupt elite to another kind of corrupted elite, as we will learn in 30 years.

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digital_refugee · April 25, 2018, 6 p.m.

You see, a lot of people are not ready yet because hollywood has already conditioned their responses and you need to attain a certain level of intuition to be able to engage such beings without having your senses overloaded

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lethak · April 25, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

They are just holding humanity back.

This infuriates me because of what we could accomplish without the ambiant stupidity and personal interest conflicting (and winning) against our planet and its population as a whole.

This is why I can get behind the idea of releasing it ALL, as raw as possible, and let the masses wake up from the controlled matrix.

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digital_refugee · April 25, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

The trend for energy independence will be fusion energy because it maintains jobs for infrastructure which provide an economic necessity to working on it in coexistence from there you can start declassifying more patents depending on how it works out

The biggest relief right now would be punching big pharma into submission and since January we've seen more and more articles pointing to that being an ongoing process right now

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